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- P R O B I L L
- Accounts Receivable and Billing System
- Professional Version
- *********************************************
- ** **
- ** **
- ** MANUAL FROM: **
- ** **
- ** 23121 VERDUGO DR. SUITE 202 **
- ** LAGUNA HILLS, CA. 92653 **
- ** (714) 581 - 6749 **
- ** **
- *********************************************
- Introduction
- PROBILL is a complete billing and accounts receivable system
- designed to be fast, efficient, and easy to use. You will find
- PROBILL to be a versatile system that fits the needs of most
- businesses needing to bill customers and clients. Although
- PROBILL is designed to be a service billing system, because of
- its unique approach to billing PROBILL can be used to bill for
- both services and products.
- Print to Plain Paper, Laser Forms, or Dot Matrix / Tractor Fed
- Forms.
- Repeat Billing to Re-Bill Easily On a Monthly or Other Period
- Basis.
- Active Open Session Eliminates Cumbersome Closing Functions.
- Full Featured Accounts Receivable Tracking and Reporting.
- Income Distribution Tracking and Reporting.
- Aged Receivables to 'True' Date of Aging.
- Re-Print Flexibility - Re-Print Any Invoice at Any Time.
- Payments Recording, Tracking, and Reporting.
- Customer Statements and History.
- Sales Tracking and Reporting.
- Full Receivables Accountability.
- PROBILL is available in Single Company configuration which
- allows you to generate bills and manage receivables for a single
- company. PROBILL is also available in a version for Multi
- Company processing. The Multi Company configuration allows you
- to process billing and receivables management for an unlimited
- number of companies on a single computer system.
- Technical Support
- Technical Support is available to all registered licensees. We
- hope our 'ease of use' approach to software and extensive
- documentation provide you with all you need to fully utilize the
- product, however, we are available to answer technical questions
- you might have and assist with problem resolution. Technical
- Support can be reached at (714) 581-6749. Our hours are 9:00 am
- to 5:00 p.m. PST Monday through Friday.
- System Requirements
- To run PROBILL you will need the following minimum system:
- IBM PC/XT, PC/AT, IBM PS/2, or IBM PC compatible
- 512 Kb of memory
- A Hard Disk with at least 2 Mb of free space
- Monochrome or Color Display adapter card and monitor
- DOS 3.1 or higher
- Any Printer will work, however, a tractor fed or laser printer
- are recommended
- Installing PROBILL
- To install PROBILL to your hard disk follow the steps outlined
- below:
- Start your computer as usual.
- Place the PROBILL installation disk in drive A: (or drive B:).
- At the DOS prompt type >A: INSTALL and press <ENTER>.
- The Installation program will lead you through the install
- process. If the install process is not successful note the
- problem specified, correct the problem (e.g. not enough disk
- space), and repeat the install process.
- Starting PROBILL
- Once PROBILL has been installed on your computer you are ready
- to start the program. To start the program you must either
- change to the PROBILL directory, or you must have the PROBILL
- directory specified in your path variable. a .BAT file to switch
- to the PROBILL directory and run the program. PROBILL must be
- started with the directory it resides in as the current
- directory. The below examples assume that you have installed
- PROBILL into the default C:\PROBILL directory.
- Change to the PROBILL directory by typing CD \PROBILL and press
- <ENTER>. Type PROBILL and press <Enter> to start PROBILL.
- PROBILL is shipped with Dimestore Software as the established
- company with default settings for company information. You will
- want to edit the company information to be that of your
- company's. See the Company Maintenance section in the Reference
- chapter of the manual to edit the company information.
- Starting Multi Company PROBILL
- When starting Multi Company PROBILL you are first asked to enter
- the company code for the company you wish to work with before
- entering the PROBILL menu system. Each company in the system
- will have an associated company code that may be up to five (5)
- characters in length. For example, the sample company 'Dimestore
- Software' has the company code of 'DIME'. At the prompt enter
- the company code. If the company code is not found in the system
- you will be asked if you wish to create a new company. See the
- 'Company Maintenance section' for information on creating new
- companies.
- Optionally, you may also select the company you wish to work
- with from the DOS command line by including it along with the
- PROBILL command. For example, to start PROBILL and select the
- 'Dimestore Software' company enter PROBILL DIME from the DOS
- command line. Starting PROBILL in this fashion bypasses the
- initial sign on screen.
- We recommend reading through Chapter I and then moving into
- Chapter II to work with the Tutorial. If you're an experienced
- computer and applications user you may be able to dig right in
- and use PROBILL right away, however, spending the hour or so it
- takes to peruse the material and go through the Tutorial will
- help you to better understand PROBILL.
- Using The Menu System
- PROBILL uses a menu system that allows selection by either
- single key entry or by the 'point and shoot' method. To select
- by 'point and shoot' move the selection bar to the desired menu
- selection with the arrow keys. When you have moved the selection
- bar to the desired selection press <ENTER> to execute the
- selection. A selection ending with an arrow indicator will
- invoke another menu whereas selections without arrow indicators
- will invoke that function.
- To select a menu item using single key selection, depress the
- key corresponding to the letter highlighted within the desired
- menu item. Your selection will be executed immediately. Single
- key selection does not require you to press the <ENTER> key.
- In the example above pressing 'B' would activate Bill
- Enter/Edit, pressing 'M' would activate Maintenance Menu.
- Pressing <ENTER> would activate Statements since that item is
- highlighted. (Letters that would be highlighted are shown in
- bold and double underlined)
- Data Entry Keys
- Whenever you are performing data entry in PROBILL you are under
- control of the data entry keystroke handler. You are in data
- entry mode whenever you are entering data into a field, or
- answering any question posed by PROBILL. The data entry
- keystroke handler attempts to reduce the number of keystrokes
- needed in order to speed up your work process in PROBILL.
- Single Keystroke Entries
- In general, anytime a single keystroke entry is required (e.g. a
- 'Y/N' Yes, No response), the keystroke handler will act
- immediately upon your keystroke without the need to press the
- <ENTER> key.
- Field Entries
- Field entries are entries that require multiple keys to specify
- the value for the field. The entry of a name or date would be a
- typical example of a field entry. When in field entry mode you
- are offered the field in edit mode such that the cursor is
- positioned at the end of the current value of that field. If
- there is no value for the field the cursor will be placed at the
- beginning of the field waiting for you to enter a value. When a
- field currently has a value (cursor positioned at end of current
- field), you may accept the field exactly the way it is by
- pressing <ENTER>. You may edit the field by using the
- <BACKSPACE> key to erase characters and then retyping them. You
- may also delete the entire field by pressing the <DELETE> key.
- The keystroke handler will not allow you to enter more
- characters than are allowed in a given field nor will it allow
- you to enter characters where only digits are acceptable.
- Throughout the entry/editing of a field the following keys will
- function as described below.
- <BACKSPACE> - Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
- <DELETE> - Deletes the entire field and allows reentry of the
- field.
- <ENTER> - Accepts the field in its current form.
- <ESCAPE> - Aborts the field entry and Cancels the editing
- function.
- Line Entries
- Line entries are those fields which are entered in a linear
- fashion. An example of this would be the entry of an invoice or
- purchase order line item appearing somewhat as shown below.
- 2 100 Green Widget
- 12.00 .96 24.00
- Line entries are identical to normal field entries with the
- exception of the <ESCAPE> key. When making line entries the
- <ESCAPE> key cancels only the current field entry within the
- line. If you are at the beginning of a line the <ESCAPE> key
- then will cancel the edit function. This allows you to move
- amongst the fields of the line until you have completed the line
- to your satisfaction. For example, if you finished entering the
- unit price field of 12.00, the cursor would then be positioned
- in edit mode at the extension field of 24.00. If you pressed
- <ESCAPE> at this point the editing would 'back up' to the Tax
- field. You would then be able to re edit that field or press
- <ESCAPE> again to back up and edit the Price field. You can
- continue this process until you finalize the line by accepting
- the last field of the line or by pressing <ESCAPE> until you
- have canceled out of the edit.
- Field Types
- There are three basic field types within the PROBILL
- environment. Each field type is described below. Specific field
- descriptions can be found in the reference section of this
- manual. For example, the description of the NAME field for the
- CUSTOMER record would be found under the CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE
- section of this manual.
- Numeric Fields
- Numeric Fields consist of all number characters and allowable
- special characters. Specifically the field can contain the
- characters 0 - 9, COMMA (,), PERIOD (.), or MINUS (-). No other
- characters are allowed.
- Date Fields
- Date fields allow the entry of valid dates in the numerical
- representation format. For example, October 12, 1992 would be
- represented as 10/12/92. The format is always expected as
- MM/DD/YY where MM is the month, DD is the day of the month, and
- YY is the year. You may use the '/' separator, the '-' separator
- or no separator. Acceptable separator examples are 10/12/92,
- 10-12-92, or 101292.
- Text Fields
- Text fields are free form fields accepting virtually any
- characters that can be typed from the keyboard. Text fields are
- usually descriptive fields such as an address field.
- Data Entry - The Create / Edit Mode
- Virtually all data entry screens in PROBILL are presented in
- Create/Edit mode. This means that from one screen or data entry
- window you can perform both create and edit functions. Each
- record uses some type of 'key' field or fields to uniquely
- identify the record. For example, we assign customers a
- 'customer number' as a unique identifier. The 'customer number'
- becomes that records 'key'. The 'key' field is usually the first
- field entered for data input as is the case for our example of
- customer records. To enter a new customer the first thing you
- would enter is a customer number. In our Create/Edit mode of
- input if a customer associated with the record number you
- entered exists you will be offered the customer's record in edit
- mode. If there is no customer identified by the customer number
- you entered you will be allowed to create a new customer record.
- Whenever a record is being created or is in edit mode the record
- is 'in holding' until the creation or edit is completed. To
- complete a creation or edit of a record you must have traversed
- each field of the record. This means you must have pressed
- <ENTER> for the very last field of the record before the newly
- created or edited record is saved.
- This makes the opposite, abandoning entries and changes, easily
- accomplished by pressing <ESC> before completing the last field
- of a record.
- Selection Lists
- Throughout the PROBILL system data entry sessions you are
- offered Selection List lookups to help you to find information
- quickly. Going back to our previous example, if you wanted to
- edit the customer record for John Jones but couldn't remember
- the customer number you could use the Selection List option by
- pressing the <F1> key at the initial field entry. When a
- Selection List is available PROBILL indicates so by a
- highlighted message somewhere near the field you are about to
- enter. When a selection list is shown the following keys are
- functional.
- <ESC> - Leaves the Selection List mode without a
- selection.
- <ENTER> - Leaves the Selection List mode and inserts the
- highlighted selection as your entry.
- <DNARROW> - Moves down (highlights) one entry in the
- Selection List. Wraps around to the top when the bottom of the
- window is reached.
- <UPARROW> - Moves up (highlights) one entry in the Selection
- List. Wraps around to the bottom when the top of the window is
- reached.
- <PGDOWN> - Move down one window if there are more
- selections available.
- <PGUP> - Move up one window if there are more selections
- available
- PROBILL'S Normal Processing Sequence
- This section describes the normal processing sequence when using
- PROBILL. PROBILL allows processing in any order or sequence
- desired, however, by the nature of customer billing certain
- events must precede others in the natural order. For example,
- the payment of a bill cannot be processed until a bill has been
- established. Remember that the below processing sequence is a
- suggested sequence for using PROBILL. Use this sequence as a
- guideline in developing your own processing sequence.
- Establish Company Name, Address, Bill Numbers, etc.
- Enter New Company Information
- Enter New Company Services
- Enter New Company Customers
- Establish the Service Codes, Pricing, and Tax information for
- Billing.
- Enter payments received on previously issued bills.
- Create the new bills to be issued.
- Print all pertinent reports. Check Bills and payments for
- accuracy. Be sure
- all data is validated before printing bills.
- Print all bills and prepare to issue.
- Any of these steps may be executed at any time. PROBILL does not
- enforce any structured periods with the exception of the Aging
- reports which age within 30, 60 and 90 day increments. Periods
- can be simulated by the use of start and end dates for reporting
- periods. Thus, any monthly period income (or other pertinent
- information) can be known by producing a period billing report
- specifically for the dates defining that particular month (e.g.
- from 6/1/92 to 6/30/92 for the month of June, 1992).
- At this point we suggest that you install PROBILL onto your
- system and proceed to the TUTORIAL section that follows. This
- TUTORIAL will guide you through some normal processing within
- PROBILL and will help familiarize you with the PROBILL system.
- The PROBILL Tutorial is designed to give you a quick view of the
- most used features of PROBILL. The tutorial will guide you
- through some normal processing steps in the generation,
- recording, and reporting of bills and accounts receivable. This
- Tutorial generates live data within the PROBILL system. If you
- do not complete the Tutorial you will have this live data mixed
- in with your data when you begin to generate your own system.
- The ending portion of the Tutorial deals with deleting the
- Tutorial data so as to leave you a 'clean' system to begin with.
- OWN DATA. There are two other options you may take to insure
- that Tutorial data does not become mixed with your 'live' data.
- The first option is to perform the Tutorial with 'live' data of
- your own. You will only need three services, two customers, and
- one bill which has been paid by the customer. Option two is to
- perform the Tutorial, continue to 'play' with the system to
- learn more about PROBILL and then reinstall PROBILL before
- entering your 'live' data. If you have the Multi Company version
- of PROBILL you may also delete the sample company (DIME) after
- the Tutorial.
- To begin the Tutorial change to the PROBILL directory and start
- PROBILL (See the Getting Started Section). If you have the Multi
- Company version enter DIME at the company selection prompt. You
- will then be at the PROBILL main menu. If you have the Single
- Company version you should already be at the main menu.
- Since we have already established a Tutorial company there is no
- need to perform any Company Maintenance. Company Maintenance
- should be completed before any maintenance of Services and
- Customers is performed. See the Company Maintenance section in
- the Reference Chapter for more information about Company
- Maintenance.
- From the Main Menu select MAINTENANCE. From the Maintenance Menu
- select SERVICE MAINTENANCE. Enter the three Services as shown
- below. Note that a field marked as [BLANK] means you should
- press <ENTER> leaving the field blank.
- Service Code: 100
- Taxable: N
- Unit of Measure: HR
- Sales Price: 56.00
- Cost: 12.00
- Service Code: 101
- Description: PROGRAMMING
- Taxable: N
- Unit of Measure: HR
- Sales Price: 48.00
- Cost: 10.00
- Service Code: 200
- Taxable: Y
- Unit of Measure: [BLANK]
- Sales Price: [BLANK]
- Cost: [BLANK]
- Note that of the three services just entered one is actually a
- product. Since that product (COMPUTER PRODUCTS) is a general
- category we have left the unit of measure, price and cost fields
- blank. These unit of measure and price fields are used for
- defaults when entering line items. Leaving the cost field blank
- indicates that we will not be tracking costs for this particular
- service or product.
- Now that you have entered the three services you should be
- positioned at the Service Code field. Note that the 'F1 for
- Selection List' message appears at the top of the window. Press
- <F1> to view the selection list for services. You should see all
- three services (100, 101, and 200) shown in the window.
- To demonstrate use of selection lists and editing we will now
- adjust the price of our Programming Services to be $50.00 per
- hour instead of the original $48.00 per hour. Using the Arrow
- keys move the highlight in the selection list to the 101
- Press <ENTER> and you will be moved to the Service Maintenance
- window with the proper record in place ready for editing. Press
- <ENTER> until the cursor stops at the end of the Sales Price
- field. Press <DELETE> to delete the $48.00 and then enter 50 for
- this field. and press <ENTER>. To save the changes we just made
- you must complete the record by pressing <ENTER> through the
- last field. When that is done and the window clears the record
- has been saved. Enter 101 for the Service Code field and press
- <ENTER> . You should see the Programming record again displayed
- this time with our changed Sales Price of $50.00.
- When you are finished in the Services Maintenance press <ESC> at
- the Service Code field to return to the Maintenance Menu.
- Now we will enter some customers into the system. From the
- Maintenance Menu Select CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE. Enter two Customer
- records as shown below.
- Customer Number: 100
- Name: Constantine, John G.
- Addr: 1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
- City: Westerfield
- State: NJ
- Zip: 08372
- Tax Rate (%): 8.00
- Repeat Service Code: [BLANK]
- Repeat Service Amt.: 0
- Repeat Quantity: 0
- Customer Number: 101
- Name: Wentworthe, Dorothy S.
- Addr: 3459 Ashford Circle
- City: Laguna Hills
- State: CA
- Zip: 92653
- Tax Rate (%): 0
- Repeat Service Code: 100
- Repeat Service Amt.: 48.75
- Repeat Quantity: 2
- A few items are noteworthy about the entries you just made.
- PROBILL uses many default offerings throughout its processing.
- When you got down to the City, State, and Zip fields for the
- first time PROBILL offered you the default entries for Laguna
- Hills, CA, 92653. It got these values from the Company Record.
- Thereafter PROBILL will use your previous entry for these fields
- as the default value. Many times defaults will save you typing.
- If you want to use the default just press <ENTER> to accept the
- default value. If you want to enter a different value, press the
- <DELETE> key to erase the default value and then enter the value
- you want for that field.
- Note also that we did not enter any information for repeat
- billing for customer 100. Once you entered BLANK for the Service
- Code field it skipped over the remaining two fields thereby
- completing the record. PROBILL will always attempt to save you
- work. If the Repeat Service Code field is BLANK indicating no
- repeat billing then the remaining two fields are not needed and
- PROBILL will zero them for you automatically.
- When you are finished with Customer Maintenance press <ESC> at
- the Customer Number field to return to the Maintenance Menu.
- Press <ESC> again to return to PROBILL's Main Menu.
- Now that we have entered our Services and Customers we are ready
- to create bills for our customers. From The Main Menu select
- BILL ENTER/EDIT. When you first enter the Bill Enter/Edit window
- the cursor will be at the Bill Number field awaiting entry. If
- you wanted to edit a bill you would enter its number now or use
- the Selection lookup to find a Bill to edit. Since we are going
- to create a new bill press <ENTER> at the Bill Number field.
- This advances the cursor to the Customer Number field. In so
- doing PROBILL has automatically assigned the next bill number to
- the Bill Number field. Enter 99 at the Customer Number field and
- press <ENTER>. PROBILL will prompt you with 'CUSTOMER NOT FOUND
- - CREATE A NEW CUSTOMER (Y/N)?' and await your answer. We could
- have entered each of our customers from within the Bill
- Enter/Edit area. This saves you time when you are generating
- bills and have a new customer to enter. For now, answer the
- prompt <N> or <ESC> to return back to the Customer Number field.
- Delete the 99 in the Customer Number field (press the <DELETE>
- Key) and enter the information as shown below.CUSTOMER NUMBER:
- 100 BILL NUMBER: 256
- BILL DATE: 3/16/92
- Constantine, John G.
- 1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
- P.O. NUMBER: XYZ-192
- Westerfield NJ 08372
- Once you have completed the above entries you will be in the
- line entry area. There are 3 cursor types in the line entry
- area. The first one you will see is the line cursor (O) which
- appears at the left side of the screen. The line cursor points
- to the current line for entry or editing. The line cursor can be
- moved with the <UPARROW> and <DNARROW> keys. When entering or
- editing the fields of the line the normal cursor is used. When a
- line is completed you will see the line completion cursor (x) at
- the far right side of the line. Now would be a good time to
- review Line Entries under the Data Entry Keys section in Chapter
- I.
- Enter the two bill lines shown Below.
- NUMBER: 256
- BILL DATE: 3/16/92
- Constantine, John G.
- 1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
- P.O. NUMBER: XYZ-192
- Westerfield NJ 08372
- 56.00 0.00 280.00
- 29.95 4.79 59.90
- You should have found that PROBILL offers you defaults based on
- the services you have established, but any field of the line
- (except Amount) can be changed when you enter or edit the line.
- Be sure you have ended the last line and the Line Cursor appears
- on the left side. At this point press <ESC>. You will then be
- prompted 'Is this Bill Completed (Y/N)'. Any answer other than
- 'Y'es will return you to the point where you left off in the
- Bill Enter/Edit. Answer Y to complete this bill.
- Now that you have completed the first bill enter a second bill
- for Dorothy Wentworthe and use your imagination for at least 3
- lines of services.
- When you have completed your bill go back to the Main Menu. From
- the Main Menu select PRINT/REPRINT BILLS. When prompted to print
- all unprinted bills answer Y. Be sure your printer is turned on
- and has paper loaded. At the 'READY PRINTER - PRESS ENTER WHEN
- READY' prompt press <ENTER>. PROBILL will print each of your
- bills in Bill Number order. Press <ENTER> to return to the Main
- Menu.
- Now select RECEIPTS from the Main Menu. Select RECEIPTS FROM
- CUSTOMERS. Now we will assume we have received payment for the
- first bill that we produced. The total for that bill was $344.69
- so we will record a payment for that amount from our customer.
- Enter the Bill Number of the first bill and press <ENTER>. You
- should see the information for the bill filled in as shown
- below. Enter the Payment Date and fill in the Payment Amount
- fields with the full amount of the Bill. When you do so you
- should see a 'PAID IN FULL' message to the right of the payment
- amount. 'You will then be prompted 'RECORD THIS PAYMENT (Y/N)?'.
- Enter Y to record the payment and complete the transaction.
- Enter <ESC> to end the Payments session.
- Bill Number: 256 Bill Date:
- 03/16/92
- Customer No.: 100 PO Number:
- XYZ-192
- Customer: Constantine, John G.
- Bill Original Amount ..... 344.69
- Current Balance .......... 344.69
- Payment Date .... 4/15/92
- Payment Amount ........... 344.69
- Discount Taken ................
- New Balance .............. 0 PAID IN
- This concludes the major portion of the billing process with the
- exception of optionally producing various reports.
- The reports that you produce will be determined by your needs.
- We will produce three of the most common reports within the
- Tutorial, however, feel free to produce whatever reports you
- wish to look at. Reports only provide you with information about
- what's in the PROBILL system. There are no reports that change
- any of the data in the system.
- From the Main Menu select REPORTS MENU. From the Reports Menu
- select PERIOD BILLING REPORT. As with all reports, you will be
- prompted to send the output of your report to the Printer or to
- the Screen. Be sure your printer is on and enter P to print to
- the printer. Next you will be prompted 'Full Bill Detail
- including line items (Y/N)?'. Enter N to this prompt. You will
- now be prompted for the date range for the report. Select a date
- range from 3/1/92 to today's date (or the dates you used to
- create your bills). When you have entered the date selections
- your report will print. Peruse the report and look in the
- Reports section of the Reference chapter to identify the
- information in the report.
- Repeat these steps for the Income Distribution and Payment
- Activity reports.
- In the normal course of operations you will probably not
- encounter many situations where you will delete items with the
- exception of using the Bill Purge utility. For our Tutorial we
- will now delete all the items that we have created to clean the
- system in preparation for the entry of your 'real' data. The
- items we have to delete are bills, services, and customers.
- PROBILL has some safety features to keep you from accidentally
- deleting necessary information. You cannot delete a service if
- that service appears on any active bill, nor can you delete any
- customer who has one or more active bills.
- To ensure that we delete all bills produced under the tutorial
- enter Starting from Bill Number 1 and ending with Bill Number
- 999 as shown above. PROBILL will search the files and report to
- you how many bills are ready to be deleted and ask your
- confirmation. Answer Y to the 'Are You Sure (Y/N)?' prompt and
- the bills will be deleted from the system.
- Now that we have deleted the bills we can go into maintenance
- and delete the services and customers that we created. Return to
- each of the services in edit mode by entering the service code
- (e.g. 100, 101, and 200). Services are deleted by entering the
- word 'DELETE' as the description (see below). At the
- confirmation prompt of 'Delete this Service (Y/N)?' enter Y. Do
- so for each of the services to delete all services. You can use
- the <F1> selection list to be sure none remain.
- Service Code: 100
- Description: DELETE
- Taxable (Y/N): N
- Unit of Measure: HR
- Sales Price: 56.00
- Cost: 12.00
- Delete This SERVICE (Y/N)? Y
- Return to the MAINTENANCE MENU when you have deleted all
- Bring up each of the customers in edit mode by entering the
- customer number (e.g. 100, 101). Customer deletion is identical
- to service deletions. Deleted by entering the word 'DELETE' for
- the customer's name (see below). At the confirmation prompt of
- 'Delete this Customer (Y/N)?' enter Y. Do so for each of the
- customers to delete all customers. You can use the <F1>
- selection list to be sure none remain.
- Customer Number: 100
- Name: delete
- Addr: 1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
- City: Westerfield
- State: NJ
- Zip: 08372
- Tax Rate (%): 8.00
- Repeat Service Code:
- Repeat Service Amt.:
- Repeat Quantity:
- Delete This Customer (Y/N)? Y
- This concludes the Tutorial Session. Be sure that you have
- deleted all data that was entered in the Tutorial before
- entering your 'live' data, or reinstall the PROBILL system. Your
- next steps will be to set up your company information, then
- your services and then customers. Use the Reference Section to
- questions you might have about a particular function.
- Bill Enter / Edit
- The Bill Enter/Edit function allows you to create new bills and
- to edit existing bills. New bills are assigned a number by
- PROBILL based on the Next Bill Number field of the Company
- information. To edit an existing bill you will have to know the
- bill's number. The Bill Enter/Edit screen is divided into two
- sections, the Header section and the Lines section.
- Bill Header fields
- Bill Number: [Key] A unique 5 digit identifying number.
- Customer Number: A unique 4 digit number identifying a customer
- (See Customer Maintenance) and linking this bill to that
- particular customer.
- Bill Date: The Date you wish to associate with this bill.
- Normally the date of creation of the bill.
- P.O. Number: A Purchase Order number that might be associated
- with this bill. 10 characters.
- Bill Line fields
- Quantity: Number of units for the item. The number can have
- decimal portions for example 1.5 hours. A maximum of 9999.99.
- Entering a [blank] or Zero (0) for quantity indicates a line
- containing only a description. The Quantity field can be
- negative indicating a credit amount.
- Code: The Service Code for this line item (See Services
- Maintenance). The service code cannot be blank except for a
- description only line.
- Description: The description for this line item. PROBILL offers
- the description associated with the specified Service Code,
- however, this can be edited or changed for this line item.
- Price: The price per unit for this line item. The amount from
- the Service Code record is offered as the default price. A
- maximum of 9999.99. The Price field can be a negative amount
- indicating a credit.
- Tax: The amount of tax for this line item. PROBILL calculates
- this amount using the tax rate specified in the customer's
- record times the price of the line item IF the line item is
- specified as taxable in the Service Code's record. In all cases
- you may enter/edit any amount into this field when entering or
- editing the line item.
- Amount: This field totals the extension of the Quantity times
- the price for this line item. THIS FIELD DOES NOT INCLUDE THE
- TAX AMOUNT. The Amount field is a calculated field that you
- cannot edit.
- Enter a New Bill
- To generate a new bill leave the Bill Number field [Blank] by
- pressing <ENTER>. This advances the cursor to the Customer
- Number field. Enter a valid customer number or a new customer
- number if you wish to create a new customer at this time. Fill
- in the remaining header fields and you will be advanced to the
- Bill Lines section of the screen. Enter the desired bill lines
- and comments. (See the Line Entries section of Getting Started
- and the Tutorial). When you are finished entering lines (and the
- cursor is at the far left of the screen) press <ESC> to end the
- bill.
- Edit an Existing Bill
- To edit an existing bill enter a valid Bill Number at the Bill
- Number field (or use the search list to obtain a valid bill
- number). In edit mode you can change any field in the header
- with the exception of the Bill Number or the Customer Number.
- Each Line item can also be edited. In the Bill Lines section of
- the screen you may use the <UPARROW> and <DNARROW> keys to point
- to the line(s) you wish to edit (See the Enter/Edit Bills
- section of the Tutorial).
- *NOTE: Once a bill has had one or more payments applied to it
- you will not be allowed to edit the bill. You will be shown the
- bill in view only mode for review.
- Credit Bills
- Credit Bills (or credit line items) can be created by indicating
- a negative amount for a line item. This can be accomplished by
- either a negative Quantity or a negative Price field. (However,
- a negative Quantity and negative Price yield a positive Amount)
- Negative balance bills are considered Credit Bills and represent
- an amount that you owe to the customer.
- Voiding a Bill
- There are two ways to void a Bill. The first method can only be
- used if payments have not been applied to the Bill thereby
- allowing you to fully edit the bill. If that is the case, we
- recommend voiding the bill by either deleting each line item on
- the bill (Enter a Zero (0) quantity for every line), or by
- reversing each line item on the bill by making a negative entry
- for the same quantity, price and amount. This will bring the
- bill's Total to Zero (0) which effectively voids the bill.
- Method two performs the same function, but does so by generating
- a new bill as a credit invoice that cancels out the bill you
- wish to void. Be careful to make credit entries for each line
- item so that your service code totals will be in balance. You
- can simply enter a one line credit balance that cancels the
- other bill's total, however, your service code totals will not
- be correctly represented.
- *WARNING: We do not recommend using the PURGE OLD BILLS function
- to void a single bill. Although this will delete the bill in
- question from the system, you will have a gap in bill numbers
- and very likely an out of balance system with respect to amounts
- billed and moneys received.
- Receipts
- When payments to bills are received they must be recorded in
- PROBILL. The Receipts functions allows the flexibility of having
- multiple payments applied to any bill as well as handling
- Credits and allowing editing of receipt entries. Timely
- recording of receipts is necessary to gain full advantage of
- PROBILL's receivables tracking and reporting. There are three
- functions within the RECEIPTS menu. The RECEIPTS FROM CUSTOMERS
- is the main function and allows processing of the normal
- payments that are received from customers. The EDIT RECEIPTS and
- APPLY CREDIT BILLS functions provide utility services to handle
- special case situations.
- Receipts From Customers
- Entry of a customer receipt requires you to know the bill
- number for which the payment is to be applied to. Once the
- bill's number is entered the function will show you the bill's
- original amount and remaining balance. Enter the date the
- payment is received and the amount of the payment. If there was
- a discount taken you must also record the amount of the discount
- at this time. If the payment amount (and discount amount if any)
- equals the balance amount you will see the New Balance field
- displayed as Zero (0) and the 'PAID IN FULL' message to the
- right. You will be prompted to 'Record this Payment (Y/N)?' .
- Answer 'Y'es to record the payment.
- Recording a payment for less than the bill's amount
- If the payment amount is less than the remaining balance you
- will be shown the balance remaining after this payment is
- applied in the New Balance field. You may record up to 98
- receipts and discounts for each bill in the system.
- Recording a payment for more than the bill's amount
- If you receive more in payment than your invoice you have a
- credit situation. Recording the full amount received will make
- this bill into a Credit Bill. Credit Bills may then have their
- credit balance amounts either applied to another bill for the
- same customer, or applied to a 'Check Issued' if a check is sent
- to the customer for the credit amount. Credit Bills may not have
- receipts applied to them in the Receipts From Customers function.
- Recording a payment with a discount taken
- When a receipt is recorded along with a discount taken the
- discount amount is applied to the bill's balance just like the
- payment amount. When recording a discount amount be sure the
- discount amount is correct and that the customer was due the
- discount. Discounts are tracked within the receipts area of
- PROBILL and reported accordingly for accounting purposes.
- Edit Receipts
- The Edit Receipts function allows you to edit previously
- recorded receipts. USE THIS FUNCTION WITH CAUTION. It should
- only be used when a receipt has been incorrectly recorded. The
- Edit Receipts function looks almost identical to the Record
- Customer Receipts function, but adds the facilities to adjust
- both the date and the amount of a receipt. You must know the
- bill number for the receipt you wish to edit. Once the bill
- number has been entered you will be shown information about the
- bill and will be cycled through each payment for that bill. At
- each payment you will be asked '(E)dit Receipt (N)ext Receipt'.
- Press E if you wish to edit the receipt shown, press N to view
- the next receipt, or press <ESC> to end the editing of receipts
- for this bill.
- *WARNING: Changing a receipt amount that is connected with a
- Credit Bill (or a receipt that made a bill into a Credit Bill)
- can disrupt the receivables tracking and create an out of
- balance condition. We recommend that you DO NOT edit any
- receipts associated with Credit Bills.
- Apply Credit Bills
- When a customer pays more than is due, when merchandise is
- returned, or other special situations Credit Bills can be
- produced. A Credit Bill is any bill with a balance due that is
- less than Zero. A Credit Bill means that the customer is due the
- amount indicated by the bill. Once a Credit Bill exists PROBILL
- allows you to 'apply' the credit amount in one of two ways. The
- first method is to apply the Credit amount to a check that you
- will issue to the customer for the amount of the credit. This
- allows you to 'clear' the credit bill by bringing its balance to
- Zero thereby removing it from the 'active' bills. The second
- method allows you to apply the Credit amount to another bill for
- the same customer. Applying a Credit Bill in this manner will
- also clear the credit bill by bringing its balance to zero.
- In the Apply Credit Bills function you will need to supply a
- Credit Bill's number which will bring up information about the
- bill. You will next be asked to enter a bill number that you
- want to apply the credit amount to. (Note: you can apply a large
- credit amount to a number of bills by separate entries) The bill
- you specify to apply the credit to must be a bill for the same
- customer and must have a positive balance due.
- If you issue a check to the customer for the credit balance you
- must also apply the Credit Bill. To apply the Credit Bill to a
- check issue enter a Zero (0) for the Apply to Bill Number field.
- (You must enter a Zero (0) not a [Blank]). You will be prompted
- to be sure that you are applying to a check issue. You then will
- be allowed to enter the date and amount of the application by
- check.
- You may repeat any of the above applications until you have
- depleted the Credit Bill's amount. In this manner you can apply
- a credit across multiple bills or issue a check for a portion of
- the credit and apply the rest to other bills.
- Print / Reprint Bills
- The Print/Reprint bills function allows maximum flexibility in
- printing and reprinting bills. When a bill is created it is
- flagged as an 'unprinted' bill. After it is printed the first
- time it is flagged as a 'printed' bill. The Print/Reprint
- function allows you to print all 'unprinted' bills at any time.
- This makes it easy to enter all new bills for a session and then
- print all the new bills for the session. After a bill has been
- printed it may be reprinted at any time by supplying the
- Print/Reprint function with the bill's number. Reprint requests
- a range of bill numbers making it easy to reprint any number of
- bills.
- *NOTE: If you Reprint bills that are currently flagged as
- 'unprinted' they will be printed and flagged as 'printed'.
- When Print/Reprint is first selected you are asked 'Print all
- Unprinted Bills (Y/N)?'. Answering 'Y'es will print all bills in
- the system flagged as 'unprinted'. Answering 'N' will bring up
- the Range Selection window for reprinting bills. Enter the
- starting and ending bill numbers of the bills you wish to print
- at this time.
- Before printing, Print/Reprint asks you to 'Ready Printer -
- Press <ENTER> when ready'. Be sure you have loaded or positioned
- the forms correctly if you are using forms. Press <ENTER> and
- printing will begin. If you have a slow printer or your printer
- runs out of paper PROBILL will flash a warning message for you
- to check your printer. If your printer has paper and is printing
- you can ignore the message and PROBILL will continue printing.
- You can cancel a print task at any time by pressing <ESC> during
- the print cycle. It can take a number of seconds for PROBILL to
- recognize your cancel print command and to actually cancel the
- print task. Try to avoid pressing <ESC> repeatedly to cancel the
- print task. Once you have pressed <ESC> it will be recognized.
- Statements
- Statements provide a recap of a customer's billing and payment
- activity for a given period of time. Once selected you must
- select the customers and the date ranges you wish to print.
- Statements are always produced to plain paper. In this manner
- you can print a statement for a single customer spanning any
- duration of time to printing statements for all customers again
- spanning any duration of time. For more information on what
- information Statements contain see the Customer Review Report in
- the Reports section. The Customer Review Report contains the
- same information as customer statements, but is in report format.
- Select Company
- The Select Company function allows you to change to another
- company for processing. This function is only available on Multi
- Company versions. When selecting a company for processing you
- effectively 'close' the current company and 'open' the newly
- selected company. The currently selected company for processing
- is indicated in the upper left hand corner of the PROBILL
- background screen. A company must already exist to be able to
- select it. If you attempt to enter a company code that is not
- recognized PROBILL will ask if you want to create a new company.
- If you answer 'Y'es to the 'Company Not Found - Create New
- Company (Y/N)? ' prompt you will be sent to the Company
- Maintenance function where you can create a new company. New
- companies are created through the Company Maintenance function
- under the Maintenance menu.
- The company to process may also be automatically selected when
- you start PROBILL from the DOS command line by adding the
- company's code to the command line invocation. This will bypass
- the opening screen and position you at the main menu with the
- company selected. For example, to start PROBILL and select the
- demonstration company of Dimestore Software (with a company code
- of 'DIME'), you would enter PROBILL DIME at the DOS prompt.
- Generate Repeat Billing
- The Generate Repeat Billing function allows you to quickly
- generate repeat bills for selective or all of your customers. To
- generate a repeat bill for a customer that customer must have a
- repeat service code, amount, and quantity in their record (See
- Customer Maintenance).
- Generate Repeat Billings for all Customers (Y/N)? Answering
- 'Y'es at this prompt will generate a bill for every customer
- having repeat billing information as described above and in
- Customer Maintenance. Answering 'N'o to this prompt will cycle
- through all customers with repeat billing information available
- and ask if you would like to generate a bill for that customer.
- When the repeat bills are completed you may print the bills
- generated using the Print/Reprint Bills selection from the main
- menu.
- Services Maintenance
- The Services Maintenance function allows you to enter and edit
- company services. Services are items that will be billed for
- through the PROBILL billing system. A service may be taxable,
- and may also actually be a product rather than a service.
- PROBILL allows a service item to be edited or deleted once it
- has been entered into the system, however, you should edit and
- delete service items with caution. Edited and Deleted service
- items can limit the accuracy of the data provided by PROBILL
- through the reporting mechanism. To delete a service you must
- first obtain the service's record in edit mode, then enter
- 'DELETE' for the service's description. Services may only be
- deleted when there are no bill lines for that particular service.
- Remember that a service item's purpose in the system is to
- provide information to create line items for bills, and to
- define 'Sales Categories' which accumulate as these services are
- sold. You could actually do all your billing with one service
- called 'SALES' that you edited to whatever you wanted for each
- particular line item. Since each line item allows editing of
- virtually all fields regardless of the Service record's values,
- this most certainly would work. (See the Bill Enter/Edit
- section) The results, however, would probably not be desirable.
- You would then have no breakdown of services or items sold
- unless you went through each invoice manually and tallied the
- individual items based on their description. We recommend that
- you pay careful attention to how detailed you would like your
- sales breakdowns to be.
- Service Fields
- Service Code: [Key] Up to three digits identifying the service.
- (i.e. 100, 283, etc.)
- Description: Up to 30 characters of Descriptive text. (i.e.
- "Square Widget")
- Unit of Measure: Up to three characters to describe how you
- measure quantities of this item. (i.e. EA., HR, DOZ, etc.)
- Cost: Your cost per unit of this item. This is used to compute
- profitability (e.g. price - cost = profit).
- Unit Price: The price you charge your customer per unit.
- Taxable: Determine if this item is taxable or not. Entry 'Y' if
- this item is Taxable or 'N" if this item is not taxable.
- *NOTE: The following suggested Services are recommended when
- they apply to your particular business. Apportioning amounts to
- these categories will enhance the sales representations of your
- business.
- DISCOUNTS GIVEN- Used to define discounts you give to your
- customers.
- SALES RETURNS - Used when an item is returned for credit. (Used
- on Credit Bills)
- SALES ALLOWANCE - An allowance other than a Discount e.g. a
- trade-in value.
- SHIPPING & HANDLING - Amounts charged for shipping and/or
- handling.
- Customer Maintenance
- The Customer Maintenance function allows you to enter and edit
- customer. Customers are persons or businesses that you will send
- bills to. All bills require a valid customer record be
- associated with each bill. If you have 'cash sales' or other
- situations that require a number of customers that you do not
- wish to keep on file you may create a customer named 'CASH' or
- 'MISC' with an easy to remember customer number. Whenever you
- use this record you can edit the name and address within the
- bill and thereby not have to create new customer records every
- time. To delete a customer you must first obtain the customer's
- record in edit mode, then enter 'DELETE' for the customer's
- name. Customers may only be deleted when there are no bills for
- that particular customer.
- Customer Fields
- Customer Number: [Key] Unique number to represent this customer.
- 4 digits.
- Customer Name: The customers name. Enter as Lastname, Firstname
- if you want to see customer lists sorted by lastname.
- Addr: Address. 35 characters.
- City: City. 25 characters.
- State: State abbreviation. 2 characters.
- Zip: Zip Code. 10 characters.
- Tax Rate: This Customers rate of taxation. A tax rate of 7.75
- percent (7.75%) would be entered as 7.75. 4 digits.
- Repeat Service Code: The service code used to generate Repeat
- Bills for this customer. A blank repeat service code indicates
- that this customer will not have a bill generated when repeat
- billing is run.
- Repeat Service Amt.: The sales amount (price) of the repeat
- service. This value cannot be zero.
- Repeat Quantity: The quantity to use for repeat bills. This
- value cannot be zero.
- Company Maintenance
- The company maintenance section of PROBILL allows you to define
- the company parameters and system wide functions. Company
- maintenance should be the first step you choose in setting up a
- new company. Multi Company PROBILL allows you to create and edit
- an unlimited number of companies. If you have the Single Company
- version you will only be allowed to edit the single company's
- information.
- Multi Company Considerations
- Multi Company PROBILL allows you to administer receivables and
- billing for a number of companies. Each company has a separate
- set of data files. These data files may all reside in the same
- directory or, as we recommend, may be kept in separate
- directories. Using separate directories eases identification and
- backup of individual companies. Remember that creation or
- editing of a company's record DOES NOT automatically select that
- company for processing. You must still use the 'Select Company'
- function to distinguish the company to process.
- Company Fields
- Company Code: [Key field] Code associated with a company record.
- Up to 5 characters. Can only be edited with Multi Company
- versions.
- Name: The Name of the Company. 35 characters.
- Addr: Address. 35 characters.
- City: City. 25 characters.
- State: State abbreviation. 2 characters.
- Zip: Zip Code. 10 characters.
- Msg1 - Msg4: Four Lines of Message Information that will print
- on every bill. 45 characters per line.
- Next Bill Number: The number to assign to the next bill that is
- generated. 5 digits.
- Forms Type: The Forms Type field describes the type of form you
- will be printing for your bills. A zero (0) indicates you will
- print your bills as full 8 1/2" pages with all headings and data
- printed by PROBILL. Indicating form type 1 will print to a 7"
- preprinted tractor fed form (See APPENDIX B for a description of
- forms and envelopes). Much of the heading information is already
- preprinted on this form and PROBILL fills in the data. Selecting
- form type 2 prints an identical form to form type 1 but tells
- PROBILL NOT to print the company name and address on the form.
- This would be used when your form has the Company name and
- address preprinted on the form.
- Data Path: The Data Path where you wish this company's data
- files to reside. This field may only be defined when a company
- is newly created. (Multi Company Only) 64 characters.
- *WARNING: Whenever you change the Next Bill Number field that
- there will not be a conflict with existing bills in the system.
- PROBILL requires that each bill number be unique, therefore if
- you attempt to create a bill with a number that already exists
- in the system you will get a FILE SYSTEM ERROR.
- Deleting a Company
- (Multi Company version ONLY) On occasion you may find it
- necessary to delete an entire company. DELETION OF A COMPANY
- company bring the company record up in edit mode and enter
- DELETE for the company name. You will be prompted by a warning
- screen. Answering 'Y'es will delete the company and its
- associated data files.
- *WARNING: Once deleted a company's data cannot be recovered. We
- recommend performing a backup to capture this data before
- deleting the company.
- Reports
- PROBILL has a wealth of reports to help you to view the
- information in your system in a variety of ways. With its active
- open period structure PROBILL can easily provide you information
- about past, or present transactions for any 'period' you desire.
- Samples of each report are shown in the Sample Reports section.
- Report Options
- All reports may be sent to the printer or to the screen.
- Whenever you invoke a report you will be prompted to send the
- output to (P)rinter or (S)creen. Sending reports to the screen
- is an easy way to quickly review information. When viewing a
- report on the screen you can abort the report at any page break
- by pressing <ESC>. Pressing <ENTER> at a page break advances to
- the next page of the report. There is no facility to 'back up'
- in a report display.
- Many of the reports provide you with various options that will
- determine which data will be presented and/or what order the
- data will be presented in. Each of the options are defined
- within the individual report descriptions.
- Selecting Date Ranges
- Many of the reports allow you to specify a date range to define
- what data will be included in the report. By using the date
- ranges you can specify 'period' reports at whatever intervals
- you wish. For example, to produce monthly period reports you
- could specify From Dates as the first day of the month (e.g.
- 6/1/92) and the To Dates as the last day of the months (e.g.
- 6/30/92). This specifies a monthly period and will produce a
- report based on that monthly period.
- Aging Report
- The Aging Report provides information about which bills are
- outstanding (have balances due), and how long they have been
- outstanding. The Report can also show outstanding customer
- balances as well. The 'Aging' is based on the date you supply to
- age from and the date of the bill's creation. The report breaks
- the outstanding bills (or customer amounts) into Current, 30-60
- days, 60-90 days, and 90+ days categories. This tells you how
- long each amount has been due. The Aging Report performs a
- 'True' aging which means that any payments or bills transacting
- after the aging date are not included within the aging figures.
- This means that you can produce accurate aging reports for past
- periods.
- Period Billing Report
- The Period Billing Report provides information about the bills
- that have been produced for the given period of time. The Report
- shows the Date, Bill Number, Customer Number and Name, the
- Bill's original amount, and the amount still due. If the 'Full
- Detail including Line Items' option is selected you will also
- see each line item comprising each bill along with individual
- bill totals. The Full Detail report can easily serve as an
- alternative to keeping separate copies of each bill. The Period
- Billing Report is always produced in date and bill number order.
- Customer List
- The Customer List report provides a list of all customers in the
- system. Optionally you may sort by Customer Number or by
- Customer Name. Since there is a single name field in the
- Customer record you would need to enter customers as Lastname,
- Firstname to receive a customer list sorted by lastname. You are
- also offered the option of a short or long format. The short
- format lists one line of information per customer whereas the
- long format lists all information in the customer record.
- Services List
- The Services list report provides a list of all services
- currently in the system. There are no options to this report.
- Services are always listed in Service Code order.
- Customer Review
- The Customer review report provides a look at a single customers
- bill and payment record for a specific period of time. This
- report echoes the information that is found in a customer's
- statement but places the information in a report format rather
- than a statement format. Each review report shows each bill that
- has been produced for this customer within the specified period.
- Within each bill are shown each payment made by the customer and
- the resultant balance due.
- Income Distribution
- The Income Distribution report is one of the key reports in the
- PROBILL system. This report breaks down all bill activity within
- the specified period into the discrete service areas defined by
- the services that have been established (See Services List
- Report and Services Maintenance). There are two different Income
- Distribution reports selected by the (P)rofit or (T)ax option.
- The Profit option provides a breakdown of each service item for
- quantity sold, total cost, total sales, and total profit. The
- Tax option provides a breakdown of each service item for
- quantity sold, total sales, total taxation, and total including
- taxation.
- Receipt Activity Report
- The Receipt Activity report provides information about all
- receipts recorded within the specified period. The report lists
- the date of the payment, the Bill number, Customer number and
- name, the discount amount or the amount paid. The report is in
- date order.
- Credit Allocation Report
- The Credit allocation report provides an audit trail of all
- applications of Credit Bills. The report lists the date of the
- allocation, the From_Bill and To_Bill numbers, the Customer
- number and name, and the amount of the application. Note that
- the From_Bill and To_Bill numbers provide a linkage of the
- application of the credit amount. When viewing the report
- remember that the To_Bill field always shows the bill number of
- where the amount for that line was applied to. Since there is a
- transference between two bills (thereby canceling / balancing
- each other) the From_Bill and To_Bill fields can be confusing.
- The entries should always balance with the exception of Check
- Issued items which only eliminate the credit balance and do not
- apply the amount within the PROBILL system.
- Tax Billed Report
- The Tax Billed Report shows all bills that were produced within
- the period specified that had tax added to the bill. The report
- shows the date, bill number, customer number and name, the
- bill's amount and the amount of tax included in the bill. The
- report is in date order.
- Company List
- The Company List report is only valid in the multi company
- version of PROBILL. This report shows all companies available in
- the PROBILL system. It is a short format only report showing
- company code, company name, and the current next bill number and
- forms type for that company.
- Utilities
- System Status
- The System Status function provides a single screen of general
- information about the PROBILL system. Some information, such as
- Memory Available, is purely informational. In the System Status
- screen you can see the quantities of items PROBILL has active in
- the number of Customers, Services, Bills, and Bill Lines. You
- will also find the earliest and latest bill date as well as the
- smallest and largest bill numbers. The next bill number to be
- used and the currently selected forms type are also displayed.
- Purge Old Bills
- The Purge Old Bills function provides a way to delete bills from
- the system. Since PROBILL provides a single active open period
- you can accumulate bills for years at a time. At some point you
- may want to 'purge' the system of old information that is no
- longer used. BE SURE that the information you delete is no
- longer needed before you purge bills from the system. You will
- be warned if you are trying to delete any bills with existing
- balances, however, you will still be allowed to delete items as
- you see fit. If you delete items from the system that have
- significance to the overall accumulations (e.g. bills with a
- balance due), you can cause your overall accounting to be out of
- balance.
- *WARNING: Use this function with the utmost caution. Once bills
- are Purged they cannot be recovered. We recommend performing a
- Backup prior to purging items from the system.
- Mark Bills As Printed
- This function allows you to change bills flagged as 'unprinted'
- to be flagged as 'printed' (See the Print/Reprint Bills
- section). You are allowed to mark all existing bills as printed
- or to selectively mark individual bills as printed.
- Clear Bill and Customer Totals
- The Clear Bill and Customer Totals function allows you to Zero
- the balances of bills without entering payments. If you are not
- interested in tracking receivables you may want to use this
- option to save you from having to enter payments for each bill.
- If you are tracking receivables then you should not use this
- function. Within the function you are allowed to clear all bill
- balances to Zero or to selectively clear bill balances to zero.
- The major use of this function occurs for Multi Company versions
- of PROBILL when processing clients who are not interested in
- tracking receivables and are just requiring you to produce their
- bills.
- Unless you are NOT tracking receivables you should NOT use this
- function.
- Edit Bill Payments
- Occasionally you may find that you have entered a payment in
- error. The Edit Bill Payments function allows you to easily
- correct the situation. The format is similar to the Payments
- function, however, you must provide a payment number to edit a
- particular payment. The Edit Bill Payments function will show
- each payment in succession if you are unsure of the payment
- number you wish to edit.
- Exit To DOS
- The Exit to DOS function on the MAIN MENU exits the PROBILL
- system and returns you to the DOS prompt. This is the normal way
- to end your PROBILL session. Be sure not to turn off your
- computer until you have exited PROBILL in this manner.
- *WARNING: Powering down your computer system while in the
- PROBILL system can corrupt and damage the data within the
- PROBILL files. Always exit PROBILL through the Exit to DOS
- function.
- Technical Notes
- The various technical notes are provided for your information.
- Master Files
- There are ten (10) master files used by PROBILL that MUST reside
- in the PROBILL directory and MUST NOT be deleted. If these files
- are deleted they must be copied back into the PROBILL directory
- from the original Installation Disk.
- Additionally the COMPANY.DB and COMPANY.PX files are essential
- to PROBILL. The COMPANY files contain information about each
- company in the system. If lost these files will have to be
- copied from the original installation disk and then all company
- information will have to be re entered.
- Sub Directory Creation for New Companies
- When specifying a new sub directory for a new company remember
- that DOS can only add one sub directory beyond the existing
- directory structure per time. Given the structure of C:\PROBILL
- existing, specifying a new company with a directory path of
- C:\PROBILL\NEW\XCOMP would fail (providing the sub directory NEW
- did not exist). Remember this when specifying a new company.
- Backups
- You should adopt some routine for periodically backing up your
- data. As a rule of thumb backup whenever you have done enough
- work that you would not want to have to re create that amount of
- work. Backing up after each session would be prudent. For Multi
- Company versions separating companies into separate sub
- directories can make backups easier. The files you should back
- up are all files with a .DB and .PX extension.
- PROBILL attempts to make the production and distribution of
- bills as easy as possible. There are a number of factors,
- however, that are beyond the scope of the PROBILL system.
- Preparing the bills for mailing, filing copies of bills for your
- records, depositing receipts to bank accounts, etc., etc. We
- have found that the least expensive and easiest production of
- bills occurs when PROBILL prints to laser printer forms and we
- use dual window envelopes. Its a simple process to print the
- bills, tri-fold each bill, insert the bill into a dual window
- envelope and seal and stamp the envelope. If you're using a
- laser printer you must run Reprint Bills to get actual copies of
- bills since Print Bills produces a single copy by the nature of
- the way laser printers print (no impact for 'carbon' copies).
- (See Keeping Copies of Bills below).
- The alternatives are either plain laser paper (Works just as
- well, but there is no perf for your customer to tear off) with
- dual window envelopes, non window envelopes, or dot matrix
- tractor fed forms. Non window envelopes mean you will have to
- address both the customers and your return address which can
- take a great deal of time. Dot matrix tractor fed forms must be
- prepared before placing in the envelopes by tearing apart the
- forms, tearing off the tractor feed strips, and possibly
- bursting one or more copies of the form. It works well, but is
- very time consuming.
- Keeping Copies of Bills
- One feature of PROBILL that can save you some time is that you
- should not have to keep a copy of each bill that you produce. In
- some cases you may still want a copy (or copies) of the actual
- bill distributed within your organization, however, PROBILL
- provides a report that should take the place of copies of the
- individual bills. The Period Billing Report in its 'full bill
- detail including line items' format provides virtually
- everything a copy of each bill would provide. If you can be
- comfortable with this report in lieu of an actual copy of each
- bill then you will only need to print a single bill with a laser
- printer and should be able to get by with 1 less part on a dot
- matrix tractor form. (As little as 2 part - 1 for the customer
- to keep and 1 for the customer to return with payment).
- PROBILL maintains an "always active" current period that spans
- the full range of data within the PROBILL system. In essence
- PROBILL does not segregate data into discrete periods and does
- not require 'closing' of periods as would be found in many
- accounting system. To derive discrete 'period' information
- PROBILL allows reporting based on report dates that you provide.
- This method provides maximum flexibility in obtaining
- information and in manipulating data, especially with regard to
- 'prior period adjustments' situations.
- The main 'accounting' reports that PROBILL provides are the
- 'Period Billing Report', the 'Income Distribution Report' and
- the 'Aging Report', the 'Payment Activity Report', and the 'Tax
- Billed Report'. PROBILL is designed around the 'Accrual Basis'
- accounting method, although it does provides the necessary
- information to perform both 'Cash Basis'. For more information
- see each of the above mentioned report descriptions.
- Linking Accounts Receivable to General Ledger
- The linkage of Accounts Receivables to the General Ledger is
- usually accomplished by making periodic journal entries to the
- General Ledger. The areas of concern and sample general journal
- entries are described below. With the next release of PROGL
- (ÖDimestore's General Ledger Package) and PROBILL you will have
- the ability to automatically produce the journal entries
- directly to the General Ledger if you have both packages.
- General Journal Entries
- Produce an 'Income Distribution Report' for the desired period
- (normally a given month) using the 'TAX' option. The '$TOTAL'
- total becomes your Accrual Basis Income for the period. The
- '$INCOME' amounts become your sales amounts. The '$TAX' total
- becomes your sales Tax liability for the period. The service
- category breakdowns are only necessary if you segregate your
- sales in some fashion you may choose to lump all sales into a
- single category. The 'Discounts Given' Service category is
- assumed if you give discounts to your customers (See the
- Services Maintenance section). Given this information your
- general journal entry would appear as follows:
- Discounts Given $Discounts Given
- Produce a 'Receipts Activity Report' for the desired period .
- From the 'Receipts Activity Report' we derive the cash that has
- flowed into the company .
- CASH RECEIVED $Total Payments
- Discounts Taken $Discounts Taken
- PROBILL can print to plain 8 1/2" X 11" paper with both laser
- printers and dot matrix printers. The purchase of specific forms
- and envelopes can make your bills more presentable and save you
- time when producing bills. Below you will find the appropriate
- forms and envelopes for both laser and dot matrix printers. All
- forms and envelopes are available from ÖDimestore Software,
- however, you may be able to find similar forms or envelopes from
- other vendors. The items listed below are readily available and
- PROBILL has been tested with these items. Pricing may change,
- however, current pricing is shown below.
- The Laser printer form is a plain paper (8 1/2" X 11") form with
- a serrated tear-off as the bottom third of the page. PROBILL
- will print to this form (or plain paper) to produce a header,
- body and tear-off that can be folded into thirds. Use a two
- window envelope and a preprinted return envelope for best
- results.
- BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-18 (8 1/2" laser w/perf)
- ENVELOPE: PRODUCT # - PB1001-21 (Dual Window Envelope)
- RETURN : PRODUCT # - PB1001-31 (Return Envelope)
- Dot Matrix forms are three (3) part or five (5) part 7" forms
- for tractor fed printers.
- BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-72 (2 Part Invoice form)
- BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-73 (3 Part Invoice form)
- BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-74 (4 Part Invoice form)
- ENVELOPE: PRODUCT # - PB1001-21 (Dual Window Envelope)
- RETURN : PRODUCT # - PB1001-31 (Return Envelope)
- 100 250 500 1,000
- PB1001-18 (Laser w/perf) $7.00 $11.25 $17.50 $29.50
- PB1001-21 (Window Envelope) $23.25 $41.50 $56.25 $91.50
- PB1001-31 (Return Envelope) N/A N/A $56.25 $91.50
- PB1001-72 (2 Part Invoice) $28.75 $47.50 $85.00 $150.00
- PB1001-73 (3 Part Invoice) $34.25 $58.50 $97.00 $174.00
- PB1001-74 (4 Part Invoice) $42.25 $74.50 $129.00 $238.00
- *NOTE: Minimum quantity of 500 for any item imprinted with
- company information.