JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
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Accounts Receivable and Billing System
Professional Version
** **
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** 23121 VERDUGO DR. SUITE 202 **
** LAGUNA HILLS, CA. 92653 **
** (714) 581 - 6749 **
** **
PROBILL is a complete billing and accounts receivable system
designed to be fast, efficient, and easy to use. You will find
PROBILL to be a versatile system that fits the needs of most
businesses needing to bill customers and clients. Although
PROBILL is designed to be a service billing system, because of
its unique approach to billing PROBILL can be used to bill for
both services and products.
Print to Plain Paper, Laser Forms, or Dot Matrix / Tractor Fed
Repeat Billing to Re-Bill Easily On a Monthly or Other Period
Active Open Session Eliminates Cumbersome Closing Functions.
Full Featured Accounts Receivable Tracking and Reporting.
Income Distribution Tracking and Reporting.
Aged Receivables to 'True' Date of Aging.
Re-Print Flexibility - Re-Print Any Invoice at Any Time.
Payments Recording, Tracking, and Reporting.
Customer Statements and History.
Sales Tracking and Reporting.
Full Receivables Accountability.
PROBILL is available in Single Company configuration which
allows you to generate bills and manage receivables for a single
company. PROBILL is also available in a version for Multi
Company processing. The Multi Company configuration allows you
to process billing and receivables management for an unlimited
number of companies on a single computer system.
Technical Support
Technical Support is available to all registered licensees. We
hope our 'ease of use' approach to software and extensive
documentation provide you with all you need to fully utilize the
product, however, we are available to answer technical questions
you might have and assist with problem resolution. Technical
Support can be reached at (714) 581-6749. Our hours are 9:00 am
to 5:00 p.m. PST Monday through Friday.
System Requirements
To run PROBILL you will need the following minimum system:
IBM PC/XT, PC/AT, IBM PS/2, or IBM PC compatible
512 Kb of memory
A Hard Disk with at least 2 Mb of free space
Monochrome or Color Display adapter card and monitor
DOS 3.1 or higher
Any Printer will work, however, a tractor fed or laser printer
are recommended
Installing PROBILL
To install PROBILL to your hard disk follow the steps outlined
Start your computer as usual.
Place the PROBILL installation disk in drive A: (or drive B:).
At the DOS prompt type >A: INSTALL and press <ENTER>.
The Installation program will lead you through the install
process. If the install process is not successful note the
problem specified, correct the problem (e.g. not enough disk
space), and repeat the install process.
Starting PROBILL
Once PROBILL has been installed on your computer you are ready
to start the program. To start the program you must either
change to the PROBILL directory, or you must have the PROBILL
directory specified in your path variable. a .BAT file to switch
to the PROBILL directory and run the program. PROBILL must be
started with the directory it resides in as the current
directory. The below examples assume that you have installed
PROBILL into the default C:\PROBILL directory.
Change to the PROBILL directory by typing CD \PROBILL and press
<ENTER>. Type PROBILL and press <Enter> to start PROBILL.
PROBILL is shipped with Dimestore Software as the established
company with default settings for company information. You will
want to edit the company information to be that of your
company's. See the Company Maintenance section in the Reference
chapter of the manual to edit the company information.
Starting Multi Company PROBILL
When starting Multi Company PROBILL you are first asked to enter
the company code for the company you wish to work with before
entering the PROBILL menu system. Each company in the system
will have an associated company code that may be up to five (5)
characters in length. For example, the sample company 'Dimestore
Software' has the company code of 'DIME'. At the prompt enter
the company code. If the company code is not found in the system
you will be asked if you wish to create a new company. See the
'Company Maintenance section' for information on creating new
Optionally, you may also select the company you wish to work
with from the DOS command line by including it along with the
PROBILL command. For example, to start PROBILL and select the
'Dimestore Software' company enter PROBILL DIME from the DOS
command line. Starting PROBILL in this fashion bypasses the
initial sign on screen.
We recommend reading through Chapter I and then moving into
Chapter II to work with the Tutorial. If you're an experienced
computer and applications user you may be able to dig right in
and use PROBILL right away, however, spending the hour or so it
takes to peruse the material and go through the Tutorial will
help you to better understand PROBILL.
Using The Menu System
PROBILL uses a menu system that allows selection by either
single key entry or by the 'point and shoot' method. To select
by 'point and shoot' move the selection bar to the desired menu
selection with the arrow keys. When you have moved the selection
bar to the desired selection press <ENTER> to execute the
selection. A selection ending with an arrow indicator will
invoke another menu whereas selections without arrow indicators
will invoke that function.
To select a menu item using single key selection, depress the
key corresponding to the letter highlighted within the desired
menu item. Your selection will be executed immediately. Single
key selection does not require you to press the <ENTER> key.
In the example above pressing 'B' would activate Bill
Enter/Edit, pressing 'M' would activate Maintenance Menu.
Pressing <ENTER> would activate Statements since that item is
highlighted. (Letters that would be highlighted are shown in
bold and double underlined)
Data Entry Keys
Whenever you are performing data entry in PROBILL you are under
control of the data entry keystroke handler. You are in data
entry mode whenever you are entering data into a field, or
answering any question posed by PROBILL. The data entry
keystroke handler attempts to reduce the number of keystrokes
needed in order to speed up your work process in PROBILL.
Single Keystroke Entries
In general, anytime a single keystroke entry is required (e.g. a
'Y/N' Yes, No response), the keystroke handler will act
immediately upon your keystroke without the need to press the
<ENTER> key.
Field Entries
Field entries are entries that require multiple keys to specify
the value for the field. The entry of a name or date would be a
typical example of a field entry. When in field entry mode you
are offered the field in edit mode such that the cursor is
positioned at the end of the current value of that field. If
there is no value for the field the cursor will be placed at the
beginning of the field waiting for you to enter a value. When a
field currently has a value (cursor positioned at end of current
field), you may accept the field exactly the way it is by
pressing <ENTER>. You may edit the field by using the
<BACKSPACE> key to erase characters and then retyping them. You
may also delete the entire field by pressing the <DELETE> key.
The keystroke handler will not allow you to enter more
characters than are allowed in a given field nor will it allow
you to enter characters where only digits are acceptable.
Throughout the entry/editing of a field the following keys will
function as described below.
<BACKSPACE> - Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
<DELETE> - Deletes the entire field and allows reentry of the
<ENTER> - Accepts the field in its current form.
<ESCAPE> - Aborts the field entry and Cancels the editing
Line Entries
Line entries are those fields which are entered in a linear
fashion. An example of this would be the entry of an invoice or
purchase order line item appearing somewhat as shown below.
2 100 Green Widget
12.00 .96 24.00
Line entries are identical to normal field entries with the
exception of the <ESCAPE> key. When making line entries the
<ESCAPE> key cancels only the current field entry within the
line. If you are at the beginning of a line the <ESCAPE> key
then will cancel the edit function. This allows you to move
amongst the fields of the line until you have completed the line
to your satisfaction. For example, if you finished entering the
unit price field of 12.00, the cursor would then be positioned
in edit mode at the extension field of 24.00. If you pressed
<ESCAPE> at this point the editing would 'back up' to the Tax
field. You would then be able to re edit that field or press
<ESCAPE> again to back up and edit the Price field. You can
continue this process until you finalize the line by accepting
the last field of the line or by pressing <ESCAPE> until you
have canceled out of the edit.
Field Types
There are three basic field types within the PROBILL
environment. Each field type is described below. Specific field
descriptions can be found in the reference section of this
manual. For example, the description of the NAME field for the
CUSTOMER record would be found under the CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE
section of this manual.
Numeric Fields
Numeric Fields consist of all number characters and allowable
special characters. Specifically the field can contain the
characters 0 - 9, COMMA (,), PERIOD (.), or MINUS (-). No other
characters are allowed.
Date Fields
Date fields allow the entry of valid dates in the numerical
representation format. For example, October 12, 1992 would be
represented as 10/12/92. The format is always expected as
MM/DD/YY where MM is the month, DD is the day of the month, and
YY is the year. You may use the '/' separator, the '-' separator
or no separator. Acceptable separator examples are 10/12/92,
10-12-92, or 101292.
Text Fields
Text fields are free form fields accepting virtually any
characters that can be typed from the keyboard. Text fields are
usually descriptive fields such as an address field.
Data Entry - The Create / Edit Mode
Virtually all data entry screens in PROBILL are presented in
Create/Edit mode. This means that from one screen or data entry
window you can perform both create and edit functions. Each
record uses some type of 'key' field or fields to uniquely
identify the record. For example, we assign customers a
'customer number' as a unique identifier. The 'customer number'
becomes that records 'key'. The 'key' field is usually the first
field entered for data input as is the case for our example of
customer records. To enter a new customer the first thing you
would enter is a customer number. In our Create/Edit mode of
input if a customer associated with the record number you
entered exists you will be offered the customer's record in edit
mode. If there is no customer identified by the customer number
you entered you will be allowed to create a new customer record.
Whenever a record is being created or is in edit mode the record
is 'in holding' until the creation or edit is completed. To
complete a creation or edit of a record you must have traversed
each field of the record. This means you must have pressed
<ENTER> for the very last field of the record before the newly
created or edited record is saved.
This makes the opposite, abandoning entries and changes, easily
accomplished by pressing <ESC> before completing the last field
of a record.
Selection Lists
Throughout the PROBILL system data entry sessions you are
offered Selection List lookups to help you to find information
quickly. Going back to our previous example, if you wanted to
edit the customer record for John Jones but couldn't remember
the customer number you could use the Selection List option by
pressing the <F1> key at the initial field entry. When a
Selection List is available PROBILL indicates so by a
highlighted message somewhere near the field you are about to
enter. When a selection list is shown the following keys are
<ESC> - Leaves the Selection List mode without a
<ENTER> - Leaves the Selection List mode and inserts the
highlighted selection as your entry.
<DNARROW> - Moves down (highlights) one entry in the
Selection List. Wraps around to the top when the bottom of the
window is reached.
<UPARROW> - Moves up (highlights) one entry in the Selection
List. Wraps around to the bottom when the top of the window is
<PGDOWN> - Move down one window if there are more
selections available.
<PGUP> - Move up one window if there are more selections
PROBILL'S Normal Processing Sequence
This section describes the normal processing sequence when using
PROBILL. PROBILL allows processing in any order or sequence
desired, however, by the nature of customer billing certain
events must precede others in the natural order. For example,
the payment of a bill cannot be processed until a bill has been
established. Remember that the below processing sequence is a
suggested sequence for using PROBILL. Use this sequence as a
guideline in developing your own processing sequence.
Establish Company Name, Address, Bill Numbers, etc.
Enter New Company Information
Enter New Company Services
Enter New Company Customers
Establish the Service Codes, Pricing, and Tax information for
Enter payments received on previously issued bills.
Create the new bills to be issued.
Print all pertinent reports. Check Bills and payments for
accuracy. Be sure
all data is validated before printing bills.
Print all bills and prepare to issue.
Any of these steps may be executed at any time. PROBILL does not
enforce any structured periods with the exception of the Aging
reports which age within 30, 60 and 90 day increments. Periods
can be simulated by the use of start and end dates for reporting
periods. Thus, any monthly period income (or other pertinent
information) can be known by producing a period billing report
specifically for the dates defining that particular month (e.g.
from 6/1/92 to 6/30/92 for the month of June, 1992).
At this point we suggest that you install PROBILL onto your
system and proceed to the TUTORIAL section that follows. This
TUTORIAL will guide you through some normal processing within
PROBILL and will help familiarize you with the PROBILL system.
The PROBILL Tutorial is designed to give you a quick view of the
most used features of PROBILL. The tutorial will guide you
through some normal processing steps in the generation,
recording, and reporting of bills and accounts receivable. This
Tutorial generates live data within the PROBILL system. If you
do not complete the Tutorial you will have this live data mixed
in with your data when you begin to generate your own system.
The ending portion of the Tutorial deals with deleting the
Tutorial data so as to leave you a 'clean' system to begin with.
OWN DATA. There are two other options you may take to insure
that Tutorial data does not become mixed with your 'live' data.
The first option is to perform the Tutorial with 'live' data of
your own. You will only need three services, two customers, and
one bill which has been paid by the customer. Option two is to
perform the Tutorial, continue to 'play' with the system to
learn more about PROBILL and then reinstall PROBILL before
entering your 'live' data. If you have the Multi Company version
of PROBILL you may also delete the sample company (DIME) after
the Tutorial.
To begin the Tutorial change to the PROBILL directory and start
PROBILL (See the Getting Started Section). If you have the Multi
Company version enter DIME at the company selection prompt. You
will then be at the PROBILL main menu. If you have the Single
Company version you should already be at the main menu.
Since we have already established a Tutorial company there is no
need to perform any Company Maintenance. Company Maintenance
should be completed before any maintenance of Services and
Customers is performed. See the Company Maintenance section in
the Reference Chapter for more information about Company
From the Main Menu select MAINTENANCE. From the Maintenance Menu
select SERVICE MAINTENANCE. Enter the three Services as shown
below. Note that a field marked as [BLANK] means you should
press <ENTER> leaving the field blank.
Service Code: 100
Taxable: N
Unit of Measure: HR
Sales Price: 56.00
Cost: 12.00
Service Code: 101
Description: PROGRAMMING
Taxable: N
Unit of Measure: HR
Sales Price: 48.00
Cost: 10.00
Service Code: 200
Taxable: Y
Unit of Measure: [BLANK]
Sales Price: [BLANK]
Cost: [BLANK]
Note that of the three services just entered one is actually a
product. Since that product (COMPUTER PRODUCTS) is a general
category we have left the unit of measure, price and cost fields
blank. These unit of measure and price fields are used for
defaults when entering line items. Leaving the cost field blank
indicates that we will not be tracking costs for this particular
service or product.
Now that you have entered the three services you should be
positioned at the Service Code field. Note that the 'F1 for
Selection List' message appears at the top of the window. Press
<F1> to view the selection list for services. You should see all
three services (100, 101, and 200) shown in the window.
To demonstrate use of selection lists and editing we will now
adjust the price of our Programming Services to be $50.00 per
hour instead of the original $48.00 per hour. Using the Arrow
keys move the highlight in the selection list to the 101
Press <ENTER> and you will be moved to the Service Maintenance
window with the proper record in place ready for editing. Press
<ENTER> until the cursor stops at the end of the Sales Price
field. Press <DELETE> to delete the $48.00 and then enter 50 for
this field. and press <ENTER>. To save the changes we just made
you must complete the record by pressing <ENTER> through the
last field. When that is done and the window clears the record
has been saved. Enter 101 for the Service Code field and press
<ENTER> . You should see the Programming record again displayed
this time with our changed Sales Price of $50.00.
When you are finished in the Services Maintenance press <ESC> at
the Service Code field to return to the Maintenance Menu.
Now we will enter some customers into the system. From the
Maintenance Menu Select CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE. Enter two Customer
records as shown below.
Customer Number: 100
Name: Constantine, John G.
Addr: 1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
City: Westerfield
State: NJ
Zip: 08372
Tax Rate (%): 8.00
Repeat Service Code: [BLANK]
Repeat Service Amt.: 0
Repeat Quantity: 0
Customer Number: 101
Name: Wentworthe, Dorothy S.
Addr: 3459 Ashford Circle
City: Laguna Hills
State: CA
Zip: 92653
Tax Rate (%): 0
Repeat Service Code: 100
Repeat Service Amt.: 48.75
Repeat Quantity: 2
A few items are noteworthy about the entries you just made.
PROBILL uses many default offerings throughout its processing.
When you got down to the City, State, and Zip fields for the
first time PROBILL offered you the default entries for Laguna
Hills, CA, 92653. It got these values from the Company Record.
Thereafter PROBILL will use your previous entry for these fields
as the default value. Many times defaults will save you typing.
If you want to use the default just press <ENTER> to accept the
default value. If you want to enter a different value, press the
<DELETE> key to erase the default value and then enter the value
you want for that field.
Note also that we did not enter any information for repeat
billing for customer 100. Once you entered BLANK for the Service
Code field it skipped over the remaining two fields thereby
completing the record. PROBILL will always attempt to save you
work. If the Repeat Service Code field is BLANK indicating no
repeat billing then the remaining two fields are not needed and
PROBILL will zero them for you automatically.
When you are finished with Customer Maintenance press <ESC> at
the Customer Number field to return to the Maintenance Menu.
Press <ESC> again to return to PROBILL's Main Menu.
Now that we have entered our Services and Customers we are ready
to create bills for our customers. From The Main Menu select
BILL ENTER/EDIT. When you first enter the Bill Enter/Edit window
the cursor will be at the Bill Number field awaiting entry. If
you wanted to edit a bill you would enter its number now or use
the Selection lookup to find a Bill to edit. Since we are going
to create a new bill press <ENTER> at the Bill Number field.
This advances the cursor to the Customer Number field. In so
doing PROBILL has automatically assigned the next bill number to
the Bill Number field. Enter 99 at the Customer Number field and
press <ENTER>. PROBILL will prompt you with 'CUSTOMER NOT FOUND
- CREATE A NEW CUSTOMER (Y/N)?' and await your answer. We could
have entered each of our customers from within the Bill
Enter/Edit area. This saves you time when you are generating
bills and have a new customer to enter. For now, answer the
prompt <N> or <ESC> to return back to the Customer Number field.
Delete the 99 in the Customer Number field (press the <DELETE>
Key) and enter the information as shown below.CUSTOMER NUMBER:
100 BILL NUMBER: 256
BILL DATE: 3/16/92
Constantine, John G.
1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
Westerfield NJ 08372
Once you have completed the above entries you will be in the
line entry area. There are 3 cursor types in the line entry
area. The first one you will see is the line cursor (O) which
appears at the left side of the screen. The line cursor points
to the current line for entry or editing. The line cursor can be
moved with the <UPARROW> and <DNARROW> keys. When entering or
editing the fields of the line the normal cursor is used. When a
line is completed you will see the line completion cursor (x) at
the far right side of the line. Now would be a good time to
review Line Entries under the Data Entry Keys section in Chapter
Enter the two bill lines shown Below.
BILL DATE: 3/16/92
Constantine, John G.
1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
Westerfield NJ 08372
56.00 0.00 280.00
29.95 4.79 59.90
You should have found that PROBILL offers you defaults based on
the services you have established, but any field of the line
(except Amount) can be changed when you enter or edit the line.
Be sure you have ended the last line and the Line Cursor appears
on the left side. At this point press <ESC>. You will then be
prompted 'Is this Bill Completed (Y/N)'. Any answer other than
'Y'es will return you to the point where you left off in the
Bill Enter/Edit. Answer Y to complete this bill.
Now that you have completed the first bill enter a second bill
for Dorothy Wentworthe and use your imagination for at least 3
lines of services.
When you have completed your bill go back to the Main Menu. From
the Main Menu select PRINT/REPRINT BILLS. When prompted to print
all unprinted bills answer Y. Be sure your printer is turned on
and has paper loaded. At the 'READY PRINTER - PRESS ENTER WHEN
READY' prompt press <ENTER>. PROBILL will print each of your
bills in Bill Number order. Press <ENTER> to return to the Main
Now select RECEIPTS from the Main Menu. Select RECEIPTS FROM
CUSTOMERS. Now we will assume we have received payment for the
first bill that we produced. The total for that bill was $344.69
so we will record a payment for that amount from our customer.
Enter the Bill Number of the first bill and press <ENTER>. You
should see the information for the bill filled in as shown
below. Enter the Payment Date and fill in the Payment Amount
fields with the full amount of the Bill. When you do so you
should see a 'PAID IN FULL' message to the right of the payment
amount. 'You will then be prompted 'RECORD THIS PAYMENT (Y/N)?'.
Enter Y to record the payment and complete the transaction.
Enter <ESC> to end the Payments session.
Bill Number: 256 Bill Date:
Customer No.: 100 PO Number:
Customer: Constantine, John G.
Bill Original Amount ..... 344.69
Current Balance .......... 344.69
Payment Date .... 4/15/92
Payment Amount ........... 344.69
Discount Taken ................
New Balance .............. 0 PAID IN
This concludes the major portion of the billing process with the
exception of optionally producing various reports.
The reports that you produce will be determined by your needs.
We will produce three of the most common reports within the
Tutorial, however, feel free to produce whatever reports you
wish to look at. Reports only provide you with information about
what's in the PROBILL system. There are no reports that change
any of the data in the system.
From the Main Menu select REPORTS MENU. From the Reports Menu
select PERIOD BILLING REPORT. As with all reports, you will be
prompted to send the output of your report to the Printer or to
the Screen. Be sure your printer is on and enter P to print to
the printer. Next you will be prompted 'Full Bill Detail
including line items (Y/N)?'. Enter N to this prompt. You will
now be prompted for the date range for the report. Select a date
range from 3/1/92 to today's date (or the dates you used to
create your bills). When you have entered the date selections
your report will print. Peruse the report and look in the
Reports section of the Reference chapter to identify the
information in the report.
Repeat these steps for the Income Distribution and Payment
Activity reports.
In the normal course of operations you will probably not
encounter many situations where you will delete items with the
exception of using the Bill Purge utility. For our Tutorial we
will now delete all the items that we have created to clean the
system in preparation for the entry of your 'real' data. The
items we have to delete are bills, services, and customers.
PROBILL has some safety features to keep you from accidentally
deleting necessary information. You cannot delete a service if
that service appears on any active bill, nor can you delete any
customer who has one or more active bills.
To ensure that we delete all bills produced under the tutorial
enter Starting from Bill Number 1 and ending with Bill Number
999 as shown above. PROBILL will search the files and report to
you how many bills are ready to be deleted and ask your
confirmation. Answer Y to the 'Are You Sure (Y/N)?' prompt and
the bills will be deleted from the system.
Now that we have deleted the bills we can go into maintenance
and delete the services and customers that we created. Return to
each of the services in edit mode by entering the service code
(e.g. 100, 101, and 200). Services are deleted by entering the
word 'DELETE' as the description (see below). At the
confirmation prompt of 'Delete this Service (Y/N)?' enter Y. Do
so for each of the services to delete all services. You can use
the <F1> selection list to be sure none remain.
Service Code: 100
Description: DELETE
Taxable (Y/N): N
Unit of Measure: HR
Sales Price: 56.00
Cost: 12.00
Delete This SERVICE (Y/N)? Y
Return to the MAINTENANCE MENU when you have deleted all
Bring up each of the customers in edit mode by entering the
customer number (e.g. 100, 101). Customer deletion is identical
to service deletions. Deleted by entering the word 'DELETE' for
the customer's name (see below). At the confirmation prompt of
'Delete this Customer (Y/N)?' enter Y. Do so for each of the
customers to delete all customers. You can use the <F1>
selection list to be sure none remain.
Customer Number: 100
Name: delete
Addr: 1239 W. Roosevelt Dr. Suite 23
City: Westerfield
State: NJ
Zip: 08372
Tax Rate (%): 8.00
Repeat Service Code:
Repeat Service Amt.:
Repeat Quantity:
Delete This Customer (Y/N)? Y
This concludes the Tutorial Session. Be sure that you have
deleted all data that was entered in the Tutorial before
entering your 'live' data, or reinstall the PROBILL system. Your
next steps will be to set up your company information, then
your services and then customers. Use the Reference Section to
questions you might have about a particular function.
Bill Enter / Edit
The Bill Enter/Edit function allows you to create new bills and
to edit existing bills. New bills are assigned a number by
PROBILL based on the Next Bill Number field of the Company
information. To edit an existing bill you will have to know the
bill's number. The Bill Enter/Edit screen is divided into two
sections, the Header section and the Lines section.
Bill Header fields
Bill Number: [Key] A unique 5 digit identifying number.
Customer Number: A unique 4 digit number identifying a customer
(See Customer Maintenance) and linking this bill to that
particular customer.
Bill Date: The Date you wish to associate with this bill.
Normally the date of creation of the bill.
P.O. Number: A Purchase Order number that might be associated
with this bill. 10 characters.
Bill Line fields
Quantity: Number of units for the item. The number can have
decimal portions for example 1.5 hours. A maximum of 9999.99.
Entering a [blank] or Zero (0) for quantity indicates a line
containing only a description. The Quantity field can be
negative indicating a credit amount.
Code: The Service Code for this line item (See Services
Maintenance). The service code cannot be blank except for a
description only line.
Description: The description for this line item. PROBILL offers
the description associated with the specified Service Code,
however, this can be edited or changed for this line item.
Price: The price per unit for this line item. The amount from
the Service Code record is offered as the default price. A
maximum of 9999.99. The Price field can be a negative amount
indicating a credit.
Tax: The amount of tax for this line item. PROBILL calculates
this amount using the tax rate specified in the customer's
record times the price of the line item IF the line item is
specified as taxable in the Service Code's record. In all cases
you may enter/edit any amount into this field when entering or
editing the line item.
Amount: This field totals the extension of the Quantity times
the price for this line item. THIS FIELD DOES NOT INCLUDE THE
TAX AMOUNT. The Amount field is a calculated field that you
cannot edit.
Enter a New Bill
To generate a new bill leave the Bill Number field [Blank] by
pressing <ENTER>. This advances the cursor to the Customer
Number field. Enter a valid customer number or a new customer
number if you wish to create a new customer at this time. Fill
in the remaining header fields and you will be advanced to the
Bill Lines section of the screen. Enter the desired bill lines
and comments. (See the Line Entries section of Getting Started
and the Tutorial). When you are finished entering lines (and the
cursor is at the far left of the screen) press <ESC> to end the
Edit an Existing Bill
To edit an existing bill enter a valid Bill Number at the Bill
Number field (or use the search list to obtain a valid bill
number). In edit mode you can change any field in the header
with the exception of the Bill Number or the Customer Number.
Each Line item can also be edited. In the Bill Lines section of
the screen you may use the <UPARROW> and <DNARROW> keys to point
to the line(s) you wish to edit (See the Enter/Edit Bills
section of the Tutorial).
*NOTE: Once a bill has had one or more payments applied to it
you will not be allowed to edit the bill. You will be shown the
bill in view only mode for review.
Credit Bills
Credit Bills (or credit line items) can be created by indicating
a negative amount for a line item. This can be accomplished by
either a negative Quantity or a negative Price field. (However,
a negative Quantity and negative Price yield a positive Amount)
Negative balance bills are considered Credit Bills and represent
an amount that you owe to the customer.
Voiding a Bill
There are two ways to void a Bill. The first method can only be
used if payments have not been applied to the Bill thereby
allowing you to fully edit the bill. If that is the case, we
recommend voiding the bill by either deleting each line item on
the bill (Enter a Zero (0) quantity for every line), or by
reversing each line item on the bill by making a negative entry
for the same quantity, price and amount. This will bring the
bill's Total to Zero (0) which effectively voids the bill.
Method two performs the same function, but does so by generating
a new bill as a credit invoice that cancels out the bill you
wish to void. Be careful to make credit entries for each line
item so that your service code totals will be in balance. You
can simply enter a one line credit balance that cancels the
other bill's total, however, your service code totals will not
be correctly represented.
*WARNING: We do not recommend using the PURGE OLD BILLS function
to void a single bill. Although this will delete the bill in
question from the system, you will have a gap in bill numbers
and very likely an out of balance system with respect to amounts
billed and moneys received.
When payments to bills are received they must be recorded in
PROBILL. The Receipts functions allows the flexibility of having
multiple payments applied to any bill as well as handling
Credits and allowing editing of receipt entries. Timely
recording of receipts is necessary to gain full advantage of
PROBILL's receivables tracking and reporting. There are three
functions within the RECEIPTS menu. The RECEIPTS FROM CUSTOMERS
is the main function and allows processing of the normal
payments that are received from customers. The EDIT RECEIPTS and
APPLY CREDIT BILLS functions provide utility services to handle
special case situations.
Receipts From Customers
Entry of a customer receipt requires you to know the bill
number for which the payment is to be applied to. Once the
bill's number is entered the function will show you the bill's
original amount and remaining balance. Enter the date the
payment is received and the amount of the payment. If there was
a discount taken you must also record the amount of the discount
at this time. If the payment amount (and discount amount if any)
equals the balance amount you will see the New Balance field
displayed as Zero (0) and the 'PAID IN FULL' message to the
right. You will be prompted to 'Record this Payment (Y/N)?' .
Answer 'Y'es to record the payment.
Recording a payment for less than the bill's amount
If the payment amount is less than the remaining balance you
will be shown the balance remaining after this payment is
applied in the New Balance field. You may record up to 98
receipts and discounts for each bill in the system.
Recording a payment for more than the bill's amount
If you receive more in payment than your invoice you have a
credit situation. Recording the full amount received will make
this bill into a Credit Bill. Credit Bills may then have their
credit balance amounts either applied to another bill for the
same customer, or applied to a 'Check Issued' if a check is sent
to the customer for the credit amount. Credit Bills may not have
receipts applied to them in the Receipts From Customers function.
Recording a payment with a discount taken
When a receipt is recorded along with a discount taken the
discount amount is applied to the bill's balance just like the
payment amount. When recording a discount amount be sure the
discount amount is correct and that the customer was due the
discount. Discounts are tracked within the receipts area of
PROBILL and reported accordingly for accounting purposes.
Edit Receipts
The Edit Receipts function allows you to edit previously
recorded receipts. USE THIS FUNCTION WITH CAUTION. It should
only be used when a receipt has been incorrectly recorded. The
Edit Receipts function looks almost identical to the Record
Customer Receipts function, but adds the facilities to adjust
both the date and the amount of a receipt. You must know the
bill number for the receipt you wish to edit. Once the bill
number has been entered you will be shown information about the
bill and will be cycled through each payment for that bill. At
each payment you will be asked '(E)dit Receipt (N)ext Receipt'.
Press E if you wish to edit the receipt shown, press N to view
the next receipt, or press <ESC> to end the editing of receipts
for this bill.
*WARNING: Changing a receipt amount that is connected with a
Credit Bill (or a receipt that made a bill into a Credit Bill)
can disrupt the receivables tracking and create an out of
balance condition. We recommend that you DO NOT edit any
receipts associated with Credit Bills.
Apply Credit Bills
When a customer pays more than is due, when merchandise is
returned, or other special situations Credit Bills can be
produced. A Credit Bill is any bill with a balance due that is
less than Zero. A Credit Bill means that the customer is due the
amount indicated by the bill. Once a Credit Bill exists PROBILL
allows you to 'apply' the credit amount in one of two ways. The
first method is to apply the Credit amount to a check that you
will issue to the customer for the amount of the credit. This
allows you to 'clear' the credit bill by bringing its balance to
Zero thereby removing it from the 'active' bills. The second
method allows you to apply the Credit amount to another bill for
the same customer. Applying a Credit Bill in this manner will
also clear the credit bill by bringing its balance to zero.
In the Apply Credit Bills function you will need to supply a
Credit Bill's number which will bring up information about the
bill. You will next be asked to enter a bill number that you
want to apply the credit amount to. (Note: you can apply a large
credit amount to a number of bills by separate entries) The bill
you specify to apply the credit to must be a bill for the same
customer and must have a positive balance due.
If you issue a check to the customer for the credit balance you
must also apply the Credit Bill. To apply the Credit Bill to a
check issue enter a Zero (0) for the Apply to Bill Number field.
(You must enter a Zero (0) not a [Blank]). You will be prompted
to be sure that you are applying to a check issue. You then will
be allowed to enter the date and amount of the application by
You may repeat any of the above applications until you have
depleted the Credit Bill's amount. In this manner you can apply
a credit across multiple bills or issue a check for a portion of
the credit and apply the rest to other bills.
Print / Reprint Bills
The Print/Reprint bills function allows maximum flexibility in
printing and reprinting bills. When a bill is created it is
flagged as an 'unprinted' bill. After it is printed the first
time it is flagged as a 'printed' bill. The Print/Reprint
function allows you to print all 'unprinted' bills at any time.
This makes it easy to enter all new bills for a session and then
print all the new bills for the session. After a bill has been
printed it may be reprinted at any time by supplying the
Print/Reprint function with the bill's number. Reprint requests
a range of bill numbers making it easy to reprint any number of
*NOTE: If you Reprint bills that are currently flagged as
'unprinted' they will be printed and flagged as 'printed'.
When Print/Reprint is first selected you are asked 'Print all
Unprinted Bills (Y/N)?'. Answering 'Y'es will print all bills in
the system flagged as 'unprinted'. Answering 'N' will bring up
the Range Selection window for reprinting bills. Enter the
starting and ending bill numbers of the bills you wish to print
at this time.
Before printing, Print/Reprint asks you to 'Ready Printer -
Press <ENTER> when ready'. Be sure you have loaded or positioned
the forms correctly if you are using forms. Press <ENTER> and
printing will begin. If you have a slow printer or your printer
runs out of paper PROBILL will flash a warning message for you
to check your printer. If your printer has paper and is printing
you can ignore the message and PROBILL will continue printing.
You can cancel a print task at any time by pressing <ESC> during
the print cycle. It can take a number of seconds for PROBILL to
recognize your cancel print command and to actually cancel the
print task. Try to avoid pressing <ESC> repeatedly to cancel the
print task. Once you have pressed <ESC> it will be recognized.
Statements provide a recap of a customer's billing and payment
activity for a given period of time. Once selected you must
select the customers and the date ranges you wish to print.
Statements are always produced to plain paper. In this manner
you can print a statement for a single customer spanning any
duration of time to printing statements for all customers again
spanning any duration of time. For more information on what
information Statements contain see the Customer Review Report in
the Reports section. The Customer Review Report contains the
same information as customer statements, but is in report format.
Select Company
The Select Company function allows you to change to another
company for processing. This function is only available on Multi
Company versions. When selecting a company for processing you
effectively 'close' the current company and 'open' the newly
selected company. The currently selected company for processing
is indicated in the upper left hand corner of the PROBILL
background screen. A company must already exist to be able to
select it. If you attempt to enter a company code that is not
recognized PROBILL will ask if you want to create a new company.
If you answer 'Y'es to the 'Company Not Found - Create New
Company (Y/N)? ' prompt you will be sent to the Company
Maintenance function where you can create a new company. New
companies are created through the Company Maintenance function
under the Maintenance menu.
The company to process may also be automatically selected when
you start PROBILL from the DOS command line by adding the
company's code to the command line invocation. This will bypass
the opening screen and position you at the main menu with the
company selected. For example, to start PROBILL and select the
demonstration company of Dimestore Software (with a company code
of 'DIME'), you would enter PROBILL DIME at the DOS prompt.
Generate Repeat Billing
The Generate Repeat Billing function allows you to quickly
generate repeat bills for selective or all of your customers. To
generate a repeat bill for a customer that customer must have a
repeat service code, amount, and quantity in their record (See
Customer Maintenance).
Generate Repeat Billings for all Customers (Y/N)? Answering
'Y'es at this prompt will generate a bill for every customer
having repeat billing information as described above and in
Customer Maintenance. Answering 'N'o to this prompt will cycle
through all customers with repeat billing information available
and ask if you would like to generate a bill for that customer.
When the repeat bills are completed you may print the bills
generated using the Print/Reprint Bills selection from the main
Services Maintenance
The Services Maintenance function allows you to enter and edit
company services. Services are items that will be billed for
through the PROBILL billing system. A service may be taxable,
and may also actually be a product rather than a service.
PROBILL allows a service item to be edited or deleted once it
has been entered into the system, however, you should edit and
delete service items with caution. Edited and Deleted service
items can limit the accuracy of the data provided by PROBILL
through the reporting mechanism. To delete a service you must
first obtain the service's record in edit mode, then enter
'DELETE' for the service's description. Services may only be
deleted when there are no bill lines for that particular service.
Remember that a service item's purpose in the system is to
provide information to create line items for bills, and to
define 'Sales Categories' which accumulate as these services are
sold. You could actually do all your billing with one service
called 'SALES' that you edited to whatever you wanted for each
particular line item. Since each line item allows editing of
virtually all fields regardless of the Service record's values,
this most certainly would work. (See the Bill Enter/Edit
section) The results, however, would probably not be desirable.
You would then have no breakdown of services or items sold
unless you went through each invoice manually and tallied the
individual items based on their description. We recommend that
you pay careful attention to how detailed you would like your
sales breakdowns to be.
Service Fields
Service Code: [Key] Up to three digits identifying the service.
(i.e. 100, 283, etc.)
Description: Up to 30 characters of Descriptive text. (i.e.
"Square Widget")
Unit of Measure: Up to three characters to describe how you
measure quantities of this item. (i.e. EA., HR, DOZ, etc.)
Cost: Your cost per unit of this item. This is used to compute
profitability (e.g. price - cost = profit).
Unit Price: The price you charge your customer per unit.
Taxable: Determine if this item is taxable or not. Entry 'Y' if
this item is Taxable or 'N" if this item is not taxable.
*NOTE: The following suggested Services are recommended when
they apply to your particular business. Apportioning amounts to
these categories will enhance the sales representations of your
DISCOUNTS GIVEN- Used to define discounts you give to your
SALES RETURNS - Used when an item is returned for credit. (Used
on Credit Bills)
SALES ALLOWANCE - An allowance other than a Discount e.g. a
trade-in value.
SHIPPING & HANDLING - Amounts charged for shipping and/or
Customer Maintenance
The Customer Maintenance function allows you to enter and edit
customer. Customers are persons or businesses that you will send
bills to. All bills require a valid customer record be
associated with each bill. If you have 'cash sales' or other
situations that require a number of customers that you do not
wish to keep on file you may create a customer named 'CASH' or
'MISC' with an easy to remember customer number. Whenever you
use this record you can edit the name and address within the
bill and thereby not have to create new customer records every
time. To delete a customer you must first obtain the customer's
record in edit mode, then enter 'DELETE' for the customer's
name. Customers may only be deleted when there are no bills for
that particular customer.
Customer Fields
Customer Number: [Key] Unique number to represent this customer.
4 digits.
Customer Name: The customers name. Enter as Lastname, Firstname
if you want to see customer lists sorted by lastname.
Addr: Address. 35 characters.
City: City. 25 characters.
State: State abbreviation. 2 characters.
Zip: Zip Code. 10 characters.
Tax Rate: This Customers rate of taxation. A tax rate of 7.75
percent (7.75%) would be entered as 7.75. 4 digits.
Repeat Service Code: The service code used to generate Repeat
Bills for this customer. A blank repeat service code indicates
that this customer will not have a bill generated when repeat
billing is run.
Repeat Service Amt.: The sales amount (price) of the repeat
service. This value cannot be zero.
Repeat Quantity: The quantity to use for repeat bills. This
value cannot be zero.
Company Maintenance
The company maintenance section of PROBILL allows you to define
the company parameters and system wide functions. Company
maintenance should be the first step you choose in setting up a
new company. Multi Company PROBILL allows you to create and edit
an unlimited number of companies. If you have the Single Company
version you will only be allowed to edit the single company's
Multi Company Considerations
Multi Company PROBILL allows you to administer receivables and
billing for a number of companies. Each company has a separate
set of data files. These data files may all reside in the same
directory or, as we recommend, may be kept in separate
directories. Using separate directories eases identification and
backup of individual companies. Remember that creation or
editing of a company's record DOES NOT automatically select that
company for processing. You must still use the 'Select Company'
function to distinguish the company to process.
Company Fields
Company Code: [Key field] Code associated with a company record.
Up to 5 characters. Can only be edited with Multi Company
Name: The Name of the Company. 35 characters.
Addr: Address. 35 characters.
City: City. 25 characters.
State: State abbreviation. 2 characters.
Zip: Zip Code. 10 characters.
Msg1 - Msg4: Four Lines of Message Information that will print
on every bill. 45 characters per line.
Next Bill Number: The number to assign to the next bill that is
generated. 5 digits.
Forms Type: The Forms Type field describes the type of form you
will be printing for your bills. A zero (0) indicates you will
print your bills as full 8 1/2" pages with all headings and data
printed by PROBILL. Indicating form type 1 will print to a 7"
preprinted tractor fed form (See APPENDIX B for a description of
forms and envelopes). Much of the heading information is already
preprinted on this form and PROBILL fills in the data. Selecting
form type 2 prints an identical form to form type 1 but tells
PROBILL NOT to print the company name and address on the form.
This would be used when your form has the Company name and
address preprinted on the form.
Data Path: The Data Path where you wish this company's data
files to reside. This field may only be defined when a company
is newly created. (Multi Company Only) 64 characters.
*WARNING: Whenever you change the Next Bill Number field that
there will not be a conflict with existing bills in the system.
PROBILL requires that each bill number be unique, therefore if
you attempt to create a bill with a number that already exists
in the system you will get a FILE SYSTEM ERROR.
Deleting a Company
(Multi Company version ONLY) On occasion you may find it
necessary to delete an entire company. DELETION OF A COMPANY
company bring the company record up in edit mode and enter
DELETE for the company name. You will be prompted by a warning
screen. Answering 'Y'es will delete the company and its
associated data files.
*WARNING: Once deleted a company's data cannot be recovered. We
recommend performing a backup to capture this data before
deleting the company.
PROBILL has a wealth of reports to help you to view the
information in your system in a variety of ways. With its active
open period structure PROBILL can easily provide you information
about past, or present transactions for any 'period' you desire.
Samples of each report are shown in the Sample Reports section.
Report Options
All reports may be sent to the printer or to the screen.
Whenever you invoke a report you will be prompted to send the
output to (P)rinter or (S)creen. Sending reports to the screen
is an easy way to quickly review information. When viewing a
report on the screen you can abort the report at any page break
by pressing <ESC>. Pressing <ENTER> at a page break advances to
the next page of the report. There is no facility to 'back up'
in a report display.
Many of the reports provide you with various options that will
determine which data will be presented and/or what order the
data will be presented in. Each of the options are defined
within the individual report descriptions.
Selecting Date Ranges
Many of the reports allow you to specify a date range to define
what data will be included in the report. By using the date
ranges you can specify 'period' reports at whatever intervals
you wish. For example, to produce monthly period reports you
could specify From Dates as the first day of the month (e.g.
6/1/92) and the To Dates as the last day of the months (e.g.
6/30/92). This specifies a monthly period and will produce a
report based on that monthly period.
Aging Report
The Aging Report provides information about which bills are
outstanding (have balances due), and how long they have been
outstanding. The Report can also show outstanding customer
balances as well. The 'Aging' is based on the date you supply to
age from and the date of the bill's creation. The report breaks
the outstanding bills (or customer amounts) into Current, 30-60
days, 60-90 days, and 90+ days categories. This tells you how
long each amount has been due. The Aging Report performs a
'True' aging which means that any payments or bills transacting
after the aging date are not included within the aging figures.
This means that you can produce accurate aging reports for past
Period Billing Report
The Period Billing Report provides information about the bills
that have been produced for the given period of time. The Report
shows the Date, Bill Number, Customer Number and Name, the
Bill's original amount, and the amount still due. If the 'Full
Detail including Line Items' option is selected you will also
see each line item comprising each bill along with individual
bill totals. The Full Detail report can easily serve as an
alternative to keeping separate copies of each bill. The Period
Billing Report is always produced in date and bill number order.
Customer List
The Customer List report provides a list of all customers in the
system. Optionally you may sort by Customer Number or by
Customer Name. Since there is a single name field in the
Customer record you would need to enter customers as Lastname,
Firstname to receive a customer list sorted by lastname. You are
also offered the option of a short or long format. The short
format lists one line of information per customer whereas the
long format lists all information in the customer record.
Services List
The Services list report provides a list of all services
currently in the system. There are no options to this report.
Services are always listed in Service Code order.
Customer Review
The Customer review report provides a look at a single customers
bill and payment record for a specific period of time. This
report echoes the information that is found in a customer's
statement but places the information in a report format rather
than a statement format. Each review report shows each bill that
has been produced for this customer within the specified period.
Within each bill are shown each payment made by the customer and
the resultant balance due.
Income Distribution
The Income Distribution report is one of the key reports in the
PROBILL system. This report breaks down all bill activity within
the specified period into the discrete service areas defined by
the services that have been established (See Services List
Report and Services Maintenance). There are two different Income
Distribution reports selected by the (P)rofit or (T)ax option.
The Profit option provides a breakdown of each service item for
quantity sold, total cost, total sales, and total profit. The
Tax option provides a breakdown of each service item for
quantity sold, total sales, total taxation, and total including
Receipt Activity Report
The Receipt Activity report provides information about all
receipts recorded within the specified period. The report lists
the date of the payment, the Bill number, Customer number and
name, the discount amount or the amount paid. The report is in
date order.
Credit Allocation Report
The Credit allocation report provides an audit trail of all
applications of Credit Bills. The report lists the date of the
allocation, the From_Bill and To_Bill numbers, the Customer
number and name, and the amount of the application. Note that
the From_Bill and To_Bill numbers provide a linkage of the
application of the credit amount. When viewing the report
remember that the To_Bill field always shows the bill number of
where the amount for that line was applied to. Since there is a
transference between two bills (thereby canceling / balancing
each other) the From_Bill and To_Bill fields can be confusing.
The entries should always balance with the exception of Check
Issued items which only eliminate the credit balance and do not
apply the amount within the PROBILL system.
Tax Billed Report
The Tax Billed Report shows all bills that were produced within
the period specified that had tax added to the bill. The report
shows the date, bill number, customer number and name, the
bill's amount and the amount of tax included in the bill. The
report is in date order.
Company List
The Company List report is only valid in the multi company
version of PROBILL. This report shows all companies available in
the PROBILL system. It is a short format only report showing
company code, company name, and the current next bill number and
forms type for that company.
System Status
The System Status function provides a single screen of general
information about the PROBILL system. Some information, such as
Memory Available, is purely informational. In the System Status
screen you can see the quantities of items PROBILL has active in
the number of Customers, Services, Bills, and Bill Lines. You
will also find the earliest and latest bill date as well as the
smallest and largest bill numbers. The next bill number to be
used and the currently selected forms type are also displayed.
Purge Old Bills
The Purge Old Bills function provides a way to delete bills from
the system. Since PROBILL provides a single active open period
you can accumulate bills for years at a time. At some point you
may want to 'purge' the system of old information that is no
longer used. BE SURE that the information you delete is no
longer needed before you purge bills from the system. You will
be warned if you are trying to delete any bills with existing
balances, however, you will still be allowed to delete items as
you see fit. If you delete items from the system that have
significance to the overall accumulations (e.g. bills with a
balance due), you can cause your overall accounting to be out of
*WARNING: Use this function with the utmost caution. Once bills
are Purged they cannot be recovered. We recommend performing a
Backup prior to purging items from the system.
Mark Bills As Printed
This function allows you to change bills flagged as 'unprinted'
to be flagged as 'printed' (See the Print/Reprint Bills
section). You are allowed to mark all existing bills as printed
or to selectively mark individual bills as printed.
Clear Bill and Customer Totals
The Clear Bill and Customer Totals function allows you to Zero
the balances of bills without entering payments. If you are not
interested in tracking receivables you may want to use this
option to save you from having to enter payments for each bill.
If you are tracking receivables then you should not use this
function. Within the function you are allowed to clear all bill
balances to Zero or to selectively clear bill balances to zero.
The major use of this function occurs for Multi Company versions
of PROBILL when processing clients who are not interested in
tracking receivables and are just requiring you to produce their
Unless you are NOT tracking receivables you should NOT use this
Edit Bill Payments
Occasionally you may find that you have entered a payment in
error. The Edit Bill Payments function allows you to easily
correct the situation. The format is similar to the Payments
function, however, you must provide a payment number to edit a
particular payment. The Edit Bill Payments function will show
each payment in succession if you are unsure of the payment
number you wish to edit.
Exit To DOS
The Exit to DOS function on the MAIN MENU exits the PROBILL
system and returns you to the DOS prompt. This is the normal way
to end your PROBILL session. Be sure not to turn off your
computer until you have exited PROBILL in this manner.
*WARNING: Powering down your computer system while in the
PROBILL system can corrupt and damage the data within the
PROBILL files. Always exit PROBILL through the Exit to DOS
Technical Notes
The various technical notes are provided for your information.
Master Files
There are ten (10) master files used by PROBILL that MUST reside
in the PROBILL directory and MUST NOT be deleted. If these files
are deleted they must be copied back into the PROBILL directory
from the original Installation Disk.
Additionally the COMPANY.DB and COMPANY.PX files are essential
to PROBILL. The COMPANY files contain information about each
company in the system. If lost these files will have to be
copied from the original installation disk and then all company
information will have to be re entered.
Sub Directory Creation for New Companies
When specifying a new sub directory for a new company remember
that DOS can only add one sub directory beyond the existing
directory structure per time. Given the structure of C:\PROBILL
existing, specifying a new company with a directory path of
C:\PROBILL\NEW\XCOMP would fail (providing the sub directory NEW
did not exist). Remember this when specifying a new company.
You should adopt some routine for periodically backing up your
data. As a rule of thumb backup whenever you have done enough
work that you would not want to have to re create that amount of
work. Backing up after each session would be prudent. For Multi
Company versions separating companies into separate sub
directories can make backups easier. The files you should back
up are all files with a .DB and .PX extension.
PROBILL attempts to make the production and distribution of
bills as easy as possible. There are a number of factors,
however, that are beyond the scope of the PROBILL system.
Preparing the bills for mailing, filing copies of bills for your
records, depositing receipts to bank accounts, etc., etc. We
have found that the least expensive and easiest production of
bills occurs when PROBILL prints to laser printer forms and we
use dual window envelopes. Its a simple process to print the
bills, tri-fold each bill, insert the bill into a dual window
envelope and seal and stamp the envelope. If you're using a
laser printer you must run Reprint Bills to get actual copies of
bills since Print Bills produces a single copy by the nature of
the way laser printers print (no impact for 'carbon' copies).
(See Keeping Copies of Bills below).
The alternatives are either plain laser paper (Works just as
well, but there is no perf for your customer to tear off) with
dual window envelopes, non window envelopes, or dot matrix
tractor fed forms. Non window envelopes mean you will have to
address both the customers and your return address which can
take a great deal of time. Dot matrix tractor fed forms must be
prepared before placing in the envelopes by tearing apart the
forms, tearing off the tractor feed strips, and possibly
bursting one or more copies of the form. It works well, but is
very time consuming.
Keeping Copies of Bills
One feature of PROBILL that can save you some time is that you
should not have to keep a copy of each bill that you produce. In
some cases you may still want a copy (or copies) of the actual
bill distributed within your organization, however, PROBILL
provides a report that should take the place of copies of the
individual bills. The Period Billing Report in its 'full bill
detail including line items' format provides virtually
everything a copy of each bill would provide. If you can be
comfortable with this report in lieu of an actual copy of each
bill then you will only need to print a single bill with a laser
printer and should be able to get by with 1 less part on a dot
matrix tractor form. (As little as 2 part - 1 for the customer
to keep and 1 for the customer to return with payment).
PROBILL maintains an "always active" current period that spans
the full range of data within the PROBILL system. In essence
PROBILL does not segregate data into discrete periods and does
not require 'closing' of periods as would be found in many
accounting system. To derive discrete 'period' information
PROBILL allows reporting based on report dates that you provide.
This method provides maximum flexibility in obtaining
information and in manipulating data, especially with regard to
'prior period adjustments' situations.
The main 'accounting' reports that PROBILL provides are the
'Period Billing Report', the 'Income Distribution Report' and
the 'Aging Report', the 'Payment Activity Report', and the 'Tax
Billed Report'. PROBILL is designed around the 'Accrual Basis'
accounting method, although it does provides the necessary
information to perform both 'Cash Basis'. For more information
see each of the above mentioned report descriptions.
Linking Accounts Receivable to General Ledger
The linkage of Accounts Receivables to the General Ledger is
usually accomplished by making periodic journal entries to the
General Ledger. The areas of concern and sample general journal
entries are described below. With the next release of PROGL
(ÖDimestore's General Ledger Package) and PROBILL you will have
the ability to automatically produce the journal entries
directly to the General Ledger if you have both packages.
General Journal Entries
Produce an 'Income Distribution Report' for the desired period
(normally a given month) using the 'TAX' option. The '$TOTAL'
total becomes your Accrual Basis Income for the period. The
'$INCOME' amounts become your sales amounts. The '$TAX' total
becomes your sales Tax liability for the period. The service
category breakdowns are only necessary if you segregate your
sales in some fashion you may choose to lump all sales into a
single category. The 'Discounts Given' Service category is
assumed if you give discounts to your customers (See the
Services Maintenance section). Given this information your
general journal entry would appear as follows:
Discounts Given $Discounts Given
Produce a 'Receipts Activity Report' for the desired period .
From the 'Receipts Activity Report' we derive the cash that has
flowed into the company .
CASH RECEIVED $Total Payments
Discounts Taken $Discounts Taken
PROBILL can print to plain 8 1/2" X 11" paper with both laser
printers and dot matrix printers. The purchase of specific forms
and envelopes can make your bills more presentable and save you
time when producing bills. Below you will find the appropriate
forms and envelopes for both laser and dot matrix printers. All
forms and envelopes are available from ÖDimestore Software,
however, you may be able to find similar forms or envelopes from
other vendors. The items listed below are readily available and
PROBILL has been tested with these items. Pricing may change,
however, current pricing is shown below.
The Laser printer form is a plain paper (8 1/2" X 11") form with
a serrated tear-off as the bottom third of the page. PROBILL
will print to this form (or plain paper) to produce a header,
body and tear-off that can be folded into thirds. Use a two
window envelope and a preprinted return envelope for best
BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-18 (8 1/2" laser w/perf)
ENVELOPE: PRODUCT # - PB1001-21 (Dual Window Envelope)
RETURN : PRODUCT # - PB1001-31 (Return Envelope)
Dot Matrix forms are three (3) part or five (5) part 7" forms
for tractor fed printers.
BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-72 (2 Part Invoice form)
BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-73 (3 Part Invoice form)
BILL FORM: PRODUCT # - PB1001-74 (4 Part Invoice form)
ENVELOPE: PRODUCT # - PB1001-21 (Dual Window Envelope)
RETURN : PRODUCT # - PB1001-31 (Return Envelope)
100 250 500 1,000
PB1001-18 (Laser w/perf) $7.00 $11.25 $17.50 $29.50
PB1001-21 (Window Envelope) $23.25 $41.50 $56.25 $91.50
PB1001-31 (Return Envelope) N/A N/A $56.25 $91.50
PB1001-72 (2 Part Invoice) $28.75 $47.50 $85.00 $150.00
PB1001-73 (3 Part Invoice) $34.25 $58.50 $97.00 $174.00
PB1001-74 (4 Part Invoice) $42.25 $74.50 $129.00 $238.00
*NOTE: Minimum quantity of 500 for any item imprinted with
company information.